Chapter 17

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Since the counselling Vegeta had acted a little differently, not wanting to push him by asking any further questions; Goku simply took a step back. A person doesn't have to say anything to show the pain inside, it's their facial expressions, way they say things, and their body language. Subtle change to their characteristics is mostly picked up from those who know that person well, especially if that person tries to hide behind a mask of lies to protect their vulnerable state. Goku felt helpless, for he didn't want to be an annoyance by asking Vegeta questions. It hurt as he felt he was not being supportive enough, he had Bulma over whilst Vegeta  lay in the room. She could tell something wasn't quite right, as she sat next to Goku who had a very doleful expression.

"He's not been right since the counselling" Goku let out a puff of air felling very deflated. He studied the patterned rug that lay in front of him, following the symmetrical patterns with his eyes whilst twirling his thumbs.

 she watched as he was so fixated studying the rug by their feet. She scooted closer to him and placed a hand on his back. "Would you like me to talk to him?"

"I'm not sure if he will talk to you. He's mostly been keeping himself to himself, he's not really spoke much with me." he slowly turned his head to the side with a half hearten smile, before looking back down again. 

"Sounds like someone else I know." she raised a brow at him, pulling her hand back to fold her arms. She could tell how lost he was feeling, simply by how he kept his concentration on the rug. "Where is he now?"

"In the bedroom, he said he needed a lay down." he leaned back with a shrug.

"Let me try okay."she smiled and rose from the sofa they were sat on, Goku returned the smile before looking back at the rug. Bulma headed towards the bedroom, the door was left ajar. She peeped her head through seeing Vegeta curled up on his side with signs he had been crying.    "Hey, are you going to join us for something to eat?" she asked softly.

he let out a grunt and turned his back to her. "Not hungry." he lied, he was feeling hungry however his mental thoughts were overrunning on his mind; leaving him feeling too weak to care.

"Look, I know we don't know each other well. I can see the worry on Goku's face, you know, you can talk to me too?" She slowly approached the bed and gently sat down on the edge looking over at Vegeta.

"I don't want him to think any less of me." he sighed, and looked over his shoulder at Bulma who leaned more towards him.

 "Why would he do that?" she asked whilst furrowing her brows, she knew it wouldn't be something her friend would ever do. Seeing how closed off Vegeta was being, she could tell how negative his thoughts were.

"Because, I done stuff I'm not proud of." 

"Haven't we all." she smiled at him, her smile soon faded as he sat up and gave her a scowl at such comment. She sighed tucking her hair behind her ears."What I mean is, we all have done stuff that we regret doing. It's how we learn."

"Then why does mine keep fucking things up for me?" he frowned pulling his knees up to his chest, he was always so conscious of anything good that was going on in his life. That wasn't going to last forever, any bit of happiness he'd encounter would soon enough be robbed from him, leaving him in that pit of darkness.

Bulma raised her brow leaning more into him, she was aware he had some issues with an ex; and that Goku had allowed him to stay at his. She couldn't understand what he meant by that, for all she could see were a lot of positives. "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't matter." he shrugged it off looking over at the wall.

"What stuff have you done then?" she leaned back folding her arms.  "It's obviously something that is troubling you so much now."

Vegeta trailed his eyes away from the wall furrowing his brows at her. "What are you?...a fucking counsellor?" 

"A friend." she smiled.

He studied her smile, the look of trust on her face. Friendship is a different kind of love felt entirely, it's filled with trust, it's being there to fill in that void. It's the love that's given so freely, altruistic, empathetic and with the gentleness in spirit. Here it was, someone offering that kind of love, the kind that give and not expect to receive just another kind heart, a ear to listen to that will suffice."I barely know you." he looked at her. From the times spent with her and others, he is reminded that not everyone are as heartless, some have genuine care.

"Then let's change that?" she suggested, she could see the uncertainty on his face; she rose from the bed and looked down at him. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. But maybe you should talk to your boyfriend about it, I know he wouldn't judge whatever it is." she smiled at him and turned to head out the room.

"Alright." he muttered causing her to turn and look over at him. "I'll join you both for something to eat."

"Great." she smiled and waited for him to climb of bed to follow her back to the living room.

That evening they all went out for food, laughter exchanged between them, and Vegeta felt more relaxed. There were no judgements, no hatred, no negativity. Just love, care, and laughter. The atmosphere was so tranquil, Vegeta felt at home, no room for sadness when he was around the people who showed such affection towards him. They said their goodbyes to their friend and walked back to Goku's family home. Afterwards the couple headed back to bed, their legs and arms entwined staring into each others eyes. So captivated by each others appearance, the room was silent as they held onto each other in such a strong loving embrace.

"You were right." Vegeta sighed breaking that sweet silence.


"I allowed my ex to continue to use me, for that's what I felt was expected from me. I'd get drunk and done stuff I'm not proud of." he bit his lip glancing back at Goku unsure how he'd react.

Goku planted a delicate kiss on Vegeta's lips, he smiled stroking the side of Vegeta's soft cheek. "Do you believe I'd think any less of you?"

"I-I don't know." he looked down and swallowed hard, he wasn't sure just how his boyfriend would react.

Goku tilted Vegeta's head to look up to him, his hand cupped lovingly under Vegeta's chin. "The past is the past for a reason, I love you for you regardless of whatever you've done." he kissed Vegeta so passionately on the lips, the pair exchanged the kiss holding onto the other so close, fear of letting go.

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