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I guess this is when the honesty comes out. I got to LA, my apartment had been sold because someone offered more than I did. I got my deposit back...I failed my interview, turns out there's much better dancers than me. I ended up finding a bar to work at, well...not a bar exactly. A strip club, I hated that I lied to everyone around me. Every call that ended lead me to a depressive episode. I couldn't even afford to see a therapist because I didn't make a lot. The loft I moved into was disgusting, I slept on a mattress and used a hoodie for a pillow. I have never felt shame like this in my entire life. I didn't even feel like this when I was an alcoholic, I couldn't even afford to go back to that. I could afford my cigarettes and that's it, some food. I didn't even have heating. The area I ended up in was rough, and now I sound like I want people to pity me, that's not it.

Quinn and I ended up breaking things off after I made it to win nationals. We just couldn't deal with the distance between us. I get it, I knew it wouldn't actually last. I missed everyone, but going back wasn't an option for me. At all. I didn't want to go back and admit defeat. I wanted to prove that I could actually do something for myself.

"Finn?" I groan through the phone.
"Hey, I know you're busy living it up in LA right now but Mr Schue is busy and he's left me in charge of glee club. I could really use some help."
I rub my eyes of their sleep, sighing heavily.
"I dunno."
"I get it, LA is treating you well right?"
I look around the tiny loft that's falling apart, the drip that falls repeatedly into the bowl on the floor.
"If you're worried about paying rent or whatever then I can help."
I lift myself off the stained mattress and grumble softly.
"No, I can pay rent. Is this a paid thing?" I sigh softly.
"Yeah, I talked to the principal and he'd love for you to come back."
I run a hand through my hair before caving.
"Alright, I'll come home."

And I did, I went home, back to Lima. And that's where a new story began. One with a different cheerleader this time, one by the name of Kitty Wilde.

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