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I look at Quinn as the words leave her mouth.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I said, I'm joining Mercedes' god squad."
I laugh and close my locker, throwing my backpack over one shoulder. She frowns and huffs loudly.
"Quinn, you are far from holy."
"I want to get back in touch with my religion, just because you don't agree with it." She crosses her arms over her chest.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I shouldn't judge..." I roll my eyes.
"You shouldn't, you didn't like it when everyone judged you before rehab."
"I guess." I mumble. "As long as I still get you in bed." I try to be playful.
"Uh, about that..." She trails off.
I groan and hit my head on my locker.
"It'll be worth it once marriage for all is equal and we get to spend our first night together as wives."
"Oh, I'm sure." I shake my head as we walk to glee club.

Santana, Rachel and I walk along the courtyard. Only to be stopped by the god squad, they sing a song for Rachel that Finn payed for. Santana looks at me then walks towards them.
"I'd like to pay for a song for my girlfriend, not my friend that happens to be a girl. My girlfriend." She states.
I watch as Joseph's face falls, looking uncomfortable. I look at Quinn and shake my head angrily before storming off. I can hear her footsteps behind me, her calling on me. I ignore her and rush to the auditorium, getting on the stage and bursting into a song.

"That was...powerful." Quinn walks towards me.
"Yeah, I guess it was." I pick up my bag and start walking.
"Max." Quinn stops me by grabbing my arm.
"What?" I snap and turn to face her.
"Why are you so upset? You could sing a song to me yourself."
"I'm upset because you joined a group with a homophobic person, I'm upset because you're ignoring what's going on with us."
"I'm not ignoring our relationship!"
"If you care about us, you'll set the avatar straight." I huff and storm off again.

I lay in bed, throwing a baseball up into the air then catching it again, someone knocks on my door. I sit up and sigh.
"It's open."
Finn slowly walks in with Rachel, both sit at the foot of the bed.
"We heard what happened with Quinn." Finn speaks softly.
"We wanted to make sure you're okay." Rachel smiles.
"I'm fine, I just...don't wanna talk about it."
"You can't hide forever, you could end up back to where you started." Finn takes the baseball from my hand.
"You don't know how tempting that is." I sigh, standing up and grabbing my cigarettes.
I open up the balcony doors and step outside to smoke.
"We care about you, a lot." Rachel stands at the doors.
I turn to face them both, Finn gives me this look...I can't explain it, it's so brotherly. Kurt and I are twins by blood sure, but Finn is something else. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him.
"You deserve better, I know things have been hard for you." My step brother smiles.
"If you want, we're going to bread sticks. We don't mind you joining us." Rachel shrugs.
"I'd like that." I toss the smoke away and walk back into the room.
"Let's go eat." Finn wraps an arm around me then Rachel and leads us out the house.

I ignore every text message, every call from Quinn. I just want to spend time with part of my family, one of my brother's that I care about so much. Finn is my hero, so is Kurt. I don't know how I'm gonna break the news that I'm moving, but I'll find a way.

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