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Regionals. Oh god, we're actually here. I'm nervous, I can't do this. I can't go out there and dance. What if I suck? I'm going to suck.
"Max, you okay?" Blaine looks at me.
"Fine..." I mumble.
"Max." Kurt steps in front of me. "You're okay."
"I'm okay." I feel myself leaving mentally, oh shit.
Everyone's words get blurred, I'm dizzy. I managed to sit down, trying to breathe. Ever since I left rehab, I've been disassociating any time something stressful comes on. I see someone shoving a cup of water in my face.
"Drink." I manage to hear that.
I take the cup and try to chug it down. My vision slowly starts returning along with my hearing. I blink a few times and shake it off.
"Better?" Mr Schue puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I mutter.
"Alright, circle."
I stand up and put my hand in with everyone else. We launch off and walk into stage.

I stand, waiting for the winners to be announced. Quinn grabs my hand softly, giving me a little confidence boost. I close my eyes, hoping we get this. I want to leave here knowing we won something. Once I hear the winner, I jump with my whole team. Crying happy tears for once. We grab the trophy and hold it high.
"Now, come on we have a wedding to attend." Finn grins.
We all laugh, quickly rushing to get ready for the wedding. I grab my stuff and look at Quinn.
"I just need to grab my bridesmaids dress."
"You're coming?" I smile.
"Yeah, I didn't want to miss you dressed up." She winks playfully.
"It's just a shirt and tie." I chuckle.
"And I wanna see you wear it when we get married..."
"You want to get married?"
"Only if it's to you."
I feel my smile getting wider, I take her hand in mine and start walking to our cars.
"Be safe." I kiss her softly before getting into my own car.

I sit with my dad and Carol who hold my hands, I know they don't want this to happen. I mean, we're young sure but come on. They're happy, and they deserve to be miserable like every married couple out there.
"We're going to lose our slot if Quinn doesn't get here."
"She'll be here." I sigh.
I start pacing as the time goes on, where is she? She wouldn't be late. I run my hand through my hair to fix it up a little. Mr Schue rushes into the room, his face falling.
"It's Quinn..." He speaks softly.

I can't believe this happened to her, I watch her wheeling towards me. I try to keep the smile on my face as she approaches.
"You don't have to give me that guilty look." She sighs.
"I just...I should've come with you."
"Max, you would've been in the same situation."
"You don't deserve this." I crouch to her height.
"Maybe I do, I've been...a real bitch." She shrugs.
I shake my head, cupping her cheeks with my hands to kiss her softly.
"I mean, everything still works so." She jokes.
"Good to know...I guess that's a hint?" I wink playfully.
"You wish." She shoves me softly.
I roll my eyes and laugh as I take her books for her locker, I'm going to make sure she gets through this.

From the start [Prequel to That One Hummel]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin