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"Quinn!" I quickly catch up to my best friend with a small smile.
"Hey, Max."
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Nothing, why?" She smiles and leans against her locker.
"Wanna come to Breadsticks with me?" I stuff my hands into my pockets.
"Of course, but you have to pay."
"Don't I always?" I raise my eyebrow slowly and smirk.
"I paid that one time." Quinn giggles and shoves me playfully.
"Alright, I'll pay, but you owe me." I hug her quickly before heading off to my classes for the day.

"Max, who's your favorite artist?" Mr S points at me.
"Like...painters and shit or?"
"Musicians, stop the swearing."
I shrug a little and sink into my chair slightly.
"I won't let you tell us, because you're gonna show us."
"I really don't want to-"
"Come on, Max." Kurt smiles at me. "You've got this."
I give him a small smile before moving my ass to the front of the room.
"Can I have a guitar?"
Mr Shcue nods and hands me a guitar. I clear my throat and make sure the instrument is tuned before I can start with my Carrie Underwood.

"Country girl." Mr Shcue grins at me.
"Always." I shrug and put the guitar back carefully.
"That was a confidence exercise, just to get Max comfortable with being here."
"Thanks." I laugh and shake my head. "But I don't sing show tunes."
"Ah, but you've never tried."
I look at Kurt who shrugs in agreement with the teacher. I guess he's got a point, but I've never listened to show tunes ever, if Kurt plays them then I shut it off with my music.
"I guess I could give it a try." I mumble and look over at Quinn happily.
I have a good feeling about this.

"So, your dad and Finn's mom." Quinn smirks.
"It's weird, I feel weird about it." I poke at my food before shoving it into my mouth.
"Aren't you happy your dads finally found someone?"
I roll my eyes and take a quick drink before answering her question.
"I don't know, I guess I am but I don't want someone coming in and pretending to be my mom."
"Carol wouldn't do that, she's not going to replace your mom."
I look at Quinn and let her take my free hand across the table, giving it a light squeeze. I smile softly and nod my head, maybe she's right. I'm overprotective of my dad, but I don't want him getting hurt by anyone...that includes myself.

I pull the truck up to Quinn's house and sigh softly, I should tell her how I feel right? I mean, it's not that bad. I just have to tell her I love her.
"What's up?" Quinn breaks me out of my thoughts.
I shake my head and hold back a little, I can literally feel myself becoming vulnerable.
"You can tell me anything, you're my best friend."
"I just...I'm not ready to come out yet." I shrug.
"Well, you come out when you're ready." She leans over and kisses my cheek softly before getting out the truck.
I smile as she walks into her place before slamming my head onto the steering wheel.

I'm an idiot.

[A/N: I'm gonna do a huge time skip next chapter because I'm trying to get into the good stuff so don't judge me too harshly!]

From the start [Prequel to That One Hummel]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon