Busted heater!

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Hello readers now before this gets started. I'll be putting my fate oc's name in this story. You can replace it with your own if you desire. Anyhow I hope you enjoy this little story.
No one's POV
In a series of unfortunate events Chaldea's heating system was busted. All the other servants went into spirit form; per order from their master. But one servant, Jeanne d'Arc refused to go into spirit form.

Raimaru's POV
I'm well aware most servants aren't affected by the cold. But it didn't feel right for me to leave them in the cold. But besides that I'm glad I requested a fireplace in my room. Sure, most of the time I didn't need it. Though, I thought it would be nice to have around. To you know, make my room more homey.

The staff provided me with some wood to keep me warm. I grab a couple logs from the stack. I crouch down to place them in the fire place. With the snap of my fingers the fire was lit. I get up and sit on the couch. As I was about to relax from the warmth the spread through my room. I hear a knock at my door. I found this odd, it couldn't have been the staff. They were busy trying to get the heater running. And most certainly couldn't be his servants....right?

He open the door to find a familiar blonde servant. It was non other then Jeanne d'Arc. She was shivering slightly as she looks up at me and says....

Jeanne's POV
"I know your order was for us to go into spirit form" I say with a shaky voice."But I as your servant, couldn't stand the thought of you being the only one to suffer in the cold"

Master looks down at me with a worried look. He knows how stubborn I can be when it comes to caring about him. He could only sigh.

"You know I'm fine, I have a fireplace and everything" Raimaru paused for a moment and says "So what is there to be worried about?"

I avert my eyes from him blushing slightly. I gathered all my courage to say what I wanted.

"If you must know I..I Just didn't want you to be lonely!" I said

I so felt happy that I was able to say, what I wanted to say. But I immediately got a little worried. Would he be mad that I didn't follow his order?

"Thank you for your concern Jeanne" said Raimaru

I felt him wrap his arms around me. A tear went down my face not of fear but happiness. Of course my master wouldn't get mad! He's not that type of person. I felt so foolish for thinking such things. I return the embrace feeling his warmth spread through me.

He broke away from the embrace and says to me. "Will, what are you waiting for? come on in."Raimaru said

I entered his room, as I do I immediately felt the warmth of the fire. Raimaru closed the door behind me and sat down on the couch. He pated the spot next to him. He seemed to be inviting me, should I to sit next him?

"Do you want me to sit there Master?" I said curiously

"Oh but of course, where else would you sit?" Raimaru said

I blush of the thought. He kept signaling to sit next to him. Wait, does he want to do that! This makes my heart race and makes my cheeks hot. My heart isn't ready for such a thing! I take a seat next to him feeling quite nervous.

Raimaru's POV
I smile when I see her blush. She's so cute when she blushes! I just wanna hug her and never let her go. Ahem, I quickly banish the thought, she needed to get warm. From that embrace we had she was out there for a good minute.
I do have to admit I was a bit shocked to see her. But should I have been? No, she was way to caring of a person. To not check if I was okay. I really like that quality of hers. Putting others need in front of their own. Something we both have in common.
I look at Jeanne seeing how nervous she was. I didn't know else how to calm her. So I put my arm around her. This seem to make her blush more. I felt her take a deep breathe, her face after a few moment made the blush go away.

"Master, is it okay for us to be doing these kind of things?" said Jeanne

"I don't see why we can't. We both gotta stay warm and this is a decent way"I said

She seem to agree with me. Jeanne lays her head on my shoulder. I was happy to she was able to calm down. I sit there for a moment listening to the crackling fire. Feeling the warmth of the fire, I look back at her and notice she had fallen asleep. Which in all honesty doesn't sound like a bad idea. To make sure the fire doesn't go out any time soon. I use a bit of magic to put some more wood on the fire. I yawn a bit from the warmth i could feel my body tell me to sleep . I lay my head on top of hers, slowly drifting to sleep.
I hope this was decent. And I want to wish you guys a Merry Christmas and happy new year. Also expect my own original story sometime next year.

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