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y/n's pov:
"oh shut up" i laughed at alvaros nonsense as he laughed. "so how is mattia doing, you know with his nicotine addiction" he asked. "i mean he's okay. when his parents found out they kind of freaked which kind of scared him" i said. mattia was currently grounded because his father caught his juul on his bathroom.

yeah, weird place to store it.

and when they found out they grounded him ; since it was summer he couldn't really go out.  only his friends could come over. so alvaro and i were on our way to mattias house to hang. the boys were already there we just passed by to get some snacks.

"hey mr.polibio" i smiled at mattias dad. " hey y/n! alvaro! come in" he greeted nicely. seconds later mattia came downstairs , "so how are you and mattia" he asked wiggling his eyebrows  jokingly. i looked over to mattia smiling. "okay papa. that's enough" mattia laughed pulling me and alvaro. 
is it just me or does mattia sound absolutely adorable when he calls his dad papa.

"hey baby" i said kissing him as he kissed back gently. i pulled away licking my lips. "can i go use the restroom first?" i asked before we went down to his room. "yeah" he smiled leading me to his bathroom even though i knew where it was.

"i'll meet you in my room okay" he said as i agreed. i quickly did my business as i washed my hands coming out. "hey y/n!" mattias mom called. "hey, mrs.polibio" i smiled. "how have you been! haven't seen you since last week, why didn't you come visit my boy, he was going crazy without you" she said as i giggled.

"i was busy, but you'll be seeing me more often. i'm good, thank you for asking. how are you?" i asked. we began to talk for a couple minutes before i heard the boys yell. "okay i'll let you go, see you later sweetie" she said as i nodded. i walked downstairs as i heard roshaun say, "don't do it mattia" .

i furrowed my brows, i walked downstairs as i saw mattia holding a juul. he put it to his mouth sucking a big puff as he held it in, letting it go after. he laid his head back on his chair as if he was so pleased  by it.

i gulped angrily, the boys eyes came to me as they stared coldly. alvaro held his hands on his mouth , while kairi and alejandro just stared, "shit" roshaun said as mattia turned around. "what the fuck mattia" i chuckled, he sighed getting up, "baby it isn't what it looks like" he said, i looked to the boys raising my eyebrows.

"then what was it " i asked, "i just- you know i was addicted to it. i couldn't stop" he said as i nodded, "yeah i get it" i laughed, "i told you i wasn't going to be with you if you did that shit. i don't like it and i won't make an exception for you" i said as i turned around. "shit" he said, "wait babe" he said as i ignored him.

i collected myself before walking by the kitchen. "already leaving y/n " ms.polibio asked as i forced a smile, "yeah, my mom called " i said, "when will you be back? i want you to try my spaghetti" she smiled as my heart warmed, "i don't-" i said before mattia cut me off.

"shes just going outside to pick something up mama" mattia said as she nodded, "that's great! the food will be ready at 5" she smiled as i nodded, i quickly walked out the door, mattia following. "baby please. stop" he said grabbing my wrist. we were now in the corner of his street. i didn't want his parents to hear.

"what mattia!" i pulled away, or at least tried too. he was too strong. "look i know it was dumb and i shouldn't of have done it but i needed it" he said, "yeah just like you said you needed me" i said, "well guess what it's one or the other " i said. "and you obviously chose the fucking usb shit!" i said as i gulped.

i was so angry, i didn't want to be with anyone who used that worthless shit. and he knew it.

"i didn't baby!" he said, "you knew mattia. i hate that shit." i said , "maybe this is it for us" i said, i looked into his eyes. they were watery, or maybe they were just irritated from the juul.

"i'm sorry please" he said, "i won't do it again" he said, "do whatever you want just don't call me when that shits killing you" i said turning around. "well you know what" he said, "i don't need to do that to be killed because you're killing my right now" he said grabbing my hand.

"you know that used to be my addiction but now my addition is you, and i will die if you leave me" he whispered.  i gulped, my baby. my sweet sweet boy. i  couldn't leave him even if he did the worst thing ever. "stop mattia" i said as he sighed.

"i rather be addicted to you then anything else . you can't leave me. don't leave me" he said pulling me close.  he grabbed my face looking into my eyes. "you are my one and only addiction " he whispered, "so please don't leave or i'll die" he whispered again. he   looked at my lips as he leaned down to kiss me.

i leaned closer matching our lips. and there it was; the butterflies . the fireworks. the love. his tongue swiped over my lip as my tongue entered his mouth . "fuck" i whispered pulling away. he looked at my eyes. "you're my addiction too" i said . he smiled , "swear you won't do it again " i said, he nodded quickly.

"if you do mattia i swear to god i won't ever talk to you again " i said, "okay okay" he smiled pulling me into a hug. "i love you my sweet girl" he said as i smiled. "i love you too my nicotine addict" i laughed as he chuckled smacking my ass making me jump. "let's go back home" he whispered as we walked back to his o them boys gon get a big ass whooping.

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𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon