Georgia turned to Kami, who shrugged. They set their things down on two folding cots with a pillow and blanket folded at the foot before heading out.

Georgia expected a loud cafeteria crowded with chatter, people leaning between tables, random eruptions of laughter. Instead was a shadowed room with solar-powered lanterns hanging from the ceiling and about two hundred people either speaking to each other in hushed tones or not saying anything at all. There were several tables set up around the room, but one table at the end of the room was on a raised platform. Five people sat there, looking down on the timid crowd. One looked completely annoyed. He stared at her, eyes drilling into her neck when she steered Kami towards the food line.

The locals let them into the line easily enough. They served some sort of baked fish, roasted potatoes, and bread rolls. Georgia was sure to take a small portion. A glance at Kami's plate told her she did the same. They looked around for a place to sit, Georgia trying to ignore the man still staring at her, and noticed Marc and Alex waving them over.

They sat down. "It's weird how quiet it is," Georgia noted. She kept her voice low as well, not wanting to stick out too much by speaking at a normal volume.

"They're afraid of Matthieu. A few people that spoke against him have gone missing. He thinks he's a feudal king. If you work hard and keep your head down, you'll be okay."

She stabbed at the fish on her plate.

The man at the high table stood up. The few people talking silenced. "We are all that stands against these monsters wiping out civilization. We are the last key to your survival." He looked in Georgia's direction. She shivered. "In a situation like this, nothing has more value than loyalty. Anyone that tries to break this settlement apart has no place among us."

Kami whispered in Georgia's ear, "What's his point?"

"There are still people out there that need to be liberated," he continued. "The three new faces I see before me are proof of that."

Georgia's eyes widened.

"In a few days, we will start a new campaign to search for survivors and bring them to our home while destroying every zombie that dares to get in our way. This would be a great honor to me and to any who volunteers who join me on this great mission. But today, we eat!" He raised his glass while the four people beside him cheered.

A few people in the crowd raised their glasses, murmuring approval but no one else even clapped.

Not long after, the leader stood up and left, his followers trailing close behind. The room seemed to relax and everyone got up to take plates to the kitchen.

"That guy is crazy," Alex hissed. "What about reinforcing that flimsy fence? He wants to just abandon everyone here?"

A small woman stepped in front of them. "I don't recognize you-"

"I found them wandering the woods when I was out hunting today," Marc quickly explained.

Georgia played along. "Yes, we're lucky to have run into him. We were really lost out there. All those trees start looking the same. Anyway, we don't want to intrude on your hospitality for too long, and we're willing to work."

"Oh." She frowned. "I can find a place for you long term if you need."

"Only for a week or two maybe?" Georgia looked at her companions. She noticed Alex and Kami sharing a quick glance.

"Do any of you have any skills or experience with homesteading?"

"I have some experience with mechanics," Alex said quickly.

Marc pulled him away. "I'll show you to the garage." They disappeared, leaving Kami and Georgia to fend for themselves.

"Our head gardener has been looking for some extra hands to help expand the garden, would that interest any of you?"

Kami nodded. Georgia shrugged, "Sure."

The woman smiled. "Great. The garden is through there," she pointed to some doors on the other side of the cafeteria. "Ask for Bert. He can put you to work in the morning." Satisfied, she bounced away.

Kami and Georgia headed back to their room. "What's the deal with you and Alex?" Georgia held open the cafeteria door. "You've both been pretty weird today."

"What do you mean? I've been completely normal. Where do you think the library is?"

"That's exactly what I mean. You've been chattier and changing the subject a lot. More than usual, I mean."

"It's nothing. Just that my best friend since our freshman year of university confessed he has a crush on me and decided to wait until the literal end of the world before telling me."

Georgia raised an eyebrow.

"And it's not that I don't like him too," Kami admitted, "He's an amazing person. He's my best friend for a reason, you know. But I didn't see it coming. So I'm not sure what to do." She stopped and stuck a finger in Georgia's face. "But to be clear, I am not looking for any insight or advice right now. We have other things to worry about right now." She pushed open the door to the classroom they were staying at.

With a hum, the overhead lights flickered on. Three other women sat in the room, reading and talking to each other. They stopped when Georgia and Kami entered.

"Uh, hi," said Georgia. "We're staying here for a little while. Where are the showers?"

One woman pointed down the hall. "Take a left." They resumed their conversation, ignoring their presence.

Georgia and Kami silently picked up their things and left.

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