Author's Note

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Trust me this one has been a loooooooonnnnnggggg time coming 😂

I've been a Sharpwin shipper pretty much from the day I started watching the show and the ideas have been bubbling in my head for a while, but with West-Allen (The Flash) and Anaaron (Grown-ish) it's been hard to pencil them down.

I did a short one shot a while back (it has not been published as yet, still deciding whether or not I want it to see the light of day) but besides that this fic has been the only other opportunity I've had to show this ship some love.

Now, you'll notice pretty early on that this doesn't exactly follow the show's plot line. Max and Helen meet in an alternate setting and are both going through slightly different situations in life.

Still I hope you enjoy it! To those of you who know me from my previous works, welcome back! Always a pleasure to have you aboard the S. S. ShipersAnonymous (😂😂😂yall really gotta stop me from making these corny sailing jokes sometime soon).

And to our virgin voyagers welcome aboard! Make yourself comfortable and enjoy the ride! I like to know that our passengers are having fun and prefer to be notified (as politely as possible ofcourse) when they're getting a little fic-sick so please don't hesitate to star, comment or splash into my dms!

OK Imma swim away now before this gets anymore embarrassing 😂❤️

Ship-ya-later alligators and HAVE FUN!


A. J. 😘

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