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[Author's Note]: Alrighty, along time coming but it's here! I had a little chat over on AO3 and now I wanna find out from you wattpad fam. Who do you think should be the first to find out that Max is the father of Helen's baby? Max or Helen? Let me know your thoughts and enjoy the update! As always cliffhanger warnings apply. 



It was an absurd idea. It was crazy. She knew that and yet....she still found herself contemplating it.

After years of coming home to an empty house, solitude had basically become second nature, so her longing for companionship came as a bit of an expected surprise.

It would be nice to come home to someone. Or to wait for someone to walk through the doors. It would be comforting to have an actual conversation over a meal or have someone to talk too at any moment without having to pick up her phone.

It was a warm thought to have, a happy dream, but that was all it should be.

She can't ignore reality and the reality is that the idea was pure madness. She can't move in with a man she'd just met less than a week ago. It's unheard of.

And yet...

Looking into Max's pleading eyes, it didn't seem so insane. It seemed right. Like what she was meant to do. And when he took her hand in both of his and smiled, she felt at ease. At home.

"You don't have to answer me now. Take the week off, think about it."

She was trying to be rational and think with her mind. This wasn't a good idea.


"Please Helen. Let me help you."

His plea sounded desperate, and his eyes hid a sadness too profound for her to understand.

If only she knew...

When he raised their hands and placed a soft kiss to the back of hers, she should have felt violated. Like the action was too intimate for two strangers who had just met. Instead, it felt natural and she felt her heart skip a beat.

What on earth is happening to you?

She asked in thought, confused by her reactions. And this was before she opened her mouth and said...

"I'll think about it."

Max's eyes lit up and a huge weight seemed to be lifted off of his shoulders. He felt like life was giving him a second chance with Helen. He couldn't put his finger on how exactly but he assumed it was a chance to clear up her first impression of him.

"Thank you." He said, holding her other hand now and alternating kisses between the two.

"I'll take good care of you. I promise."

She smiled and shook her head at his statement, she hadn't even said yes, yet and he was already packing his bags.

"Now, how about some breakfast?" he asked, and at the mention of food her stomach did a flip. Suddenly the smell of eggs was much too overwhelming and Helen slapped her hand over her mouth before she ran to the bathroom adjacent to her bedroom.

She dry heaved for the first few times, giving Max a chance to catch up to her and hold her hair back. He rubbed her back in slow circular motions, easing her discomfort as best as he could.

"Guess the baby isn't an egg person." He joked as she rinsed out her mouth after. She chuckled weakly, the action seeming to require more energy than usual and reached a hand out for Max.

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