1 - The One in The Trench Coat

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Every day he comes to school in a trench coat. It didn't matter what the weather was; rain, snow, wind, and sun, he wears that trench coat. It partially covers his face, which was probably added to the mysterious aspect of his person.

I have never seen him without his trench coat on. He wears it to all his classes, even gym. It billows out behind him majestically when he walks. He takes long, smooth strides, never once stumbling, even when someone tried to push him over. It was like he was made of stone. He didn't move at all. His expression didn't change at all. He just looked at the person and said, "Better luck next time," and continued down the hallway.

I want him. Almost every girl says that as well, but he's just so alluring. I've never seen him in anything other than black, and after school he goes to the park and sits against the tree and seemingly falls asleep. I doubt he would, though. He never lets his guard down.

I feel bad for the girls sometimes. So many have asked him out, and he's rejected them all. I figured that maybe he's not into girls. I've never seen a guy ask him out. They all whisper about him behind his back about how they think he's a jackass and he thinks he's so cool with his trench coat and black clothes.

He's not just cool. He's hot.

He doesn't even know I exist, though. He's in two of my classes, and I usually spend those staring at him, trying to figure him out. He never raises his hand to answer, but responds when called on. He has such a nice voice, softly deep and smooth sounding. He doesn't trip over words and says them with perfect annunciation.

In all, he seems perfect.

He looked at me once, briefly, because I had dropped something in the middle of a test. I stared dumbly then fumbled to pick my stuff up. My cheeks were warm and I found it hard to concentrate afterwards.

To say it bluntly, he's beautiful. He has these amazing silver eyes. Sure, they don't look warm towards people, most of the time they're blank and emotionless, but they're sharp and on alert in a way that makes anybody wonder why. Is he worried? If so he doesn't let it show. Is he just twitchy? Probably not.

No one really knows anything about him. His name is Dylan and he's absolutely gorgeous and mysterious, but other than that... Nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

I want to know him, to get to know him. I want to talk to him on a daily basis about life and such. I want to see where he sleeps and eats and spends his day. I want him to know me and befriend me. But most of all, I want him to be mine. I want him to sit beside me and wrap his arm around me. I want him to stand up for me and pull me close to him as a defense. I want him to open his heart up to me.

Of course, it's a silly and unrealistic dream. There's no way it would happen by itself. Everybody knows me. I'm too friendly and sweet. Why would he pay attention to me at all? We're in our third year of school now and he hasn't.

Why would he start?

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