He was half way, when he heard the raised voices, a man and a woman's in some sort of argument, It was then, as he peered in front of him under the dim street lamps, that lined the pavement, he noticed the couple coming out of one off the side doors of the club, that was usually reserved for the owner and some of the staff to enter.

Dave's steps slowed down a little as he approached them, realising the woman was actually the Club owner's daughter, and her boyfriend. He had seen them enter the building earlier in the evening before everyone else. Even though had only worked in the place six months, he had also seen the couple occasionally in the club, and so he was slightly familiar with them, even if they didn't know him from Adam.

Neither of them seemed very happy right now, and Dave found he could relate to that.

It seemed even those dressed up in  their expensive suits,  and with all their finery, money and prestige, just had the same crap problems as the rest of the world, from what he was now witnessing. It gave Dave glimmer of consolation in his gloomy soul, although, the little scene playing out before him was turning ugly right before his eyes and ears

"Let go of my wrist, you are hurting me," she was protesting as she struggled a little to pull away from her boyfriend's grip

"I will when you start behaving yourself and stop trying to make a fool of me!" her partner replied gruffly, "Now you are coming back inside with me"

"No, Graham I want to go home, I am not staying any longer, when it's you making a fool of me, with those other women, I have had enough, now let me go" she insisted pulling to get free from his hold again,

At this point, Dave had approached where they were standing, and though his sensible head told him to walk on, and act like he had not even noticed them, that it was really none of his business, that sensible side was overtaken almost immediately, as he found he really didn't like the way the man, Graham, was manhandling the woman.

 There was something about him; his stature, or maybe it was his dark hair, that reminded Dave of his ex's new man Phil, so instead of walking on, he slowed down and stopped.

He turned his attention to the club owner's daughter, trying to recall her name, he had heard others at work mention, He was sure it was Amanda or Mandy or something like that

"Is there a problem Miss?" He enquired looking directly at her, and not him

"No, there isn't, so just go away and mind your own business!" her boyfriend Graham snarled in reply, before she could get a chance. He now opened the side door, with the intention of pulling her back into the building with him, despite her protests.

Without even thinking about what he was doing, Dave reached out and grasped Graham's arm that held onto her, stopping him, "I don't think the lady wants to go with you." his voice was calm, but firm, as he met the other man's angry gaze, up closer to him, he could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Get your hands off me" Graham warned indignantly, his anger now focusing solely on Dave. This distraction gave his girlfriend a chance to find she was more easily able to free herself from his hold. She took a step back, rubbing her wrist where his hand had been gripping her, although partly looking relieved, she seemed also apprehensive still, as she watched the two men face off with each other.

"Look, I am just going home now, so you can go back in there, and do as you like" she addressed Graham almost placatingly, as she backed further away up the street, hoping that it would break the standoff, and both men would go their separate ways.

" You little bitch, you come back here now!" the man Graham, ordered angrily, making an attempt to go after her, only he suddenly found his way blocked again by Dave, standing in front of him.

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