"So which round is this?" Geordie asked.

"Individual" I said and Geordie nodded her head in understanding.

"So what is Lauren best in?" Geordie questioned.

"Uneven bars and floor" Andrew said.

"And the worst?" She questioned again.

"Balance beam, she pretty good on vault but she does better on uneven and floor." He told her.

"Next on vault Lauren Jacobs." The commentator announced while Lauren stood on the mat getting ready to go, taking deep breaths to calm down.

Clapping and cheering was erupting all around the room for different events that was also going on as well, but there was a distinct roar from the crowd when Lauren was announced.

"Come on Lauren!" The nine of us cheered, she didn't notice us though, obviously, that would be bad because then we would be a distraction and she would mess up, instead she stayed 100% focused on the vault.

A small beep went off indicating the judges were ready and she could go at any time. Taking one last deep breath she took off down the long runway jumping on to the spring board, flipping over the vault and stuck the landing with a small hop forward. The crowd cheered at her routine and she made her way off the mat and waited for her score. Based on the level of difficulty and execution the judges made their deductions and Lauren eared and 13.496.

A light frown appeared on Lauren's face, disappointed that she could have done a better execution. She started talking to Brendan and he started doing different movements with his arms to what to improve on. Meanwhile, Mr. Court quickly scribbled down the score and took notes on her execution and routine.

"Wow you guys keep track of everything." Geordie remarked.

"Well she has to show improvement every time to see her progress and so she knows what she did wrong so she can fix it." Mr. Court replied. "We have too if she wants to compete on an international level."

"If she still can." Mrs. Court commented under her breath, so no one could hear her, but I did. What does she mean if she still can? I didn't want to get fully into it right now considering it's not much of my business so I turned my attention back to the competition.


The individual round was finally over and the scoring for places was set, however they weren't going to be awarded till later at the end of the competition. Lauren successfully managed to win third place on balance beam which was awesome considering it's not her best event and first place on uneven bars and floor. Now Lauren's age group had a break so they could eat while other age groups came in for their time. All of us waited near the entrance to the locker room, waiting for Lauren to come out. When she did she was still wearing her leotard but was also wearing joggers and had her backpack over shoulders too.

"Hey" we all said greeting her.

"Hi" she replied.

"Lauren you did awesome!" Geordie said.

"Thanks, not some of my best work but those were some new routines I've been working on." She said. "How does it look on paper?" She asked her uncle nodding her head towards the record book her uncle noted her scores and execution in.

"Alright, I agree not your best individual round, you've done better." He said handing her the book.

"Are you kidding this would be one of the worse ones!" she said checking past scores.

"What are you talking about you got third and two first places!" Geordie said shocked to how this could be one of her worst competitions.

"It's all about execution and level of difficulty Geordie, if I want to make the Olympic team I have to clean up my performance." She told her.

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