Chapter 46 - I'm a secret to myself

Começar do início

"Isaac, what about you?" Jacob asked me, sunglasses on, and his smirk, always his smirk. I hadn't seen him all morning. Gary had told us they had taken beers with them up the mountain and that Jacob had been drunk by the time they reached the top. Eddie had said he had been to the French Alps enough times to be able to ski with his eyes closed, but I had seen him look for Jacob all morning. He seemed sober now.

I shrugged at him, and said, "Absolutely, I would."

Jack and Finn started laughing immediately, and Liam asked, "You would suck a dick?"

"For a million dollars? Of course!" I would do it for less actually, but I kept that to myself so as to avoid a hate crime. The twins were chocking on their burgers, and Jacob's smirk was gigantic. Next to me, Eddie was pretending he wasn't smiling by yawning.

"That's fucking gay," Jacob said before taking a bite off his burger.

"It's not gay," Coach said. "It's financially smart. You should all learn something from Isaac. Do you know how expensive it is to be alive?"

"So, Coach, you would suck a dick too?" Liam asked.

"If it would help send my kids to college, yes, I would, and you would too! You're all just lying. Don't think I don't know that."

Needless to say, I fucking loved Coach. After lunch, he went to his room to take a nap and warned us against going back to the slopes right away, would we not throw up the food he had paid for. But then again, he didn't really care, so as long as we could still play tonight.

That being said, we all went back to the skiing. Finn threw up, but Finn had eaten his food, and whatever was left of everyone else's, and also waffles covered in chocolate and whipped cream for dessert.

The girls joined us on the slopes after a while, which meant the guys got more and more competitive with each other so as to impress them all. Kylie Green, who I knew the name of because I had voted for her to be president of the student body, seemed to love indulging them in their pissing contest. She would tell them to do this and that, and of course, they would, and then she would applaud, like they were little kids, and she was their babysitter.

Eddie found it hilarious. So did Kylie's friend, a black girl I remembered once had a vicious fight with a teacher about the 13th amendment and another time slapped a guy across the face for touching her ass in line for the cafeteria. I was also pretty sure she had made out with Ethan at some party last summer, and, according to the guys, she had made out with Eddie too at a party Jacob threw in the first week of classes. This was to say, I wanted very much to be like her.

Next to me, Liam was trying to catch his breath, bent down over himself, hands on both his knees. When he came back up, there was a grin on his lips. He was looking at Eddie helping Kylie's friend get up.

"He hasn't hit it yet," he said. "He's trying to, but he hasn't."

"What are you talking about?"

"Edward and Allora," he said, putting his hands on his waist, his face twisting in an effort to breathe better. I looked at the girl again, smashing a snowball on Eddie's cheek.

So her name was Allora. I thought it was Adora.

"You think he's interested in her?" I asked Liam.

"In fucking her, yeah," he said.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, slapping the back of his head. Before he could answer, I asked another question, "How long have you known Eddie?"

Liam shrugged, "Since sophomore."

"And you still don't know him at all?"

He looked at Allora, and said, "Look at that ass and tell me you wouldn't fuck that."

Growing PainsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora