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"Come back to me"

       AFTER STEVE RESCUED HIS FRIENDS from the water prison, he immediately took Laurel to Wakanda

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AFTER STEVE RESCUED HIS FRIENDS from the water prison, he immediately took Laurel to Wakanda. She was shocked to hear about everything that happened when she was locked up, but hearing that T'Challa offered Bucky a place in Wakanda to get better, that made her happy.

She hurried in front of Steve, wanting to see her old partner. Entering the lab, she saw a doctor back away from Bucky after tinkering with the remaining parts of the prosthetic arm. She gasped at the lack of a limb.

"I heard what happened," Laurel began, crossing the room and wrapping her arms tightly around Bucky. "Are you alright?" She felt his human hand rub her back comfortingly.

"I'm fine, Laurel," he tried reasurring as Steve approached them. "Truly."

Pulling back, the Canary looked at him with equal amounts of sadness and happiness. She was sad he wanted to be frozen again but glad he was getting the help he needed. Seeing Bucky smile also made Laurel give a sorrowful smile.

"You sure about this?" Steve asked his friend, cutting off Laurel and Bucky's reunion.

Bucky took one last look at the torn Canary before focusing on Steve, sighing. "I can't trust my own mind," his smile turned into a half hearted one as he saw Laurel's eyes gloss over with tears. She didn't realise how much she truly missed him until now, and having to say goodbye again, it wasn't ideal. "So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head, I think going back under is the best thing."

"What if Steve helped you remember?" Laurel blurted out, glancing at both of the super soldiers. "L-like Natasha did for me-"

"It's not my memories though, Laurel," Bucky told her, his hollow heart aching at the sight of her slowly crumbling. "This is the safest option, for everybody."

Steve rubbed Laurel's shoulder tentatively, seeing the moment the pair needed to have. He walked off, leaving them alone and just missing the tears that fell from Laurel's eyes.

"Please don't go... I just got you back," she practically whispered as she sat next to him, grabbing his hand gently.

Bucky moved his hand from under hers, raising it to wipe away the few tears Laurel let fall. She was hurt at the revelation even though, deep down, she knew it was the best option for him.

"You'll be okay." Neither of them knew what to say.

So instead, Laurel decided to express something she couldn't express in words. She turned her head, doe like blue eyes meeting hollow ones, and placed her hands on either side of Bucky's face. His skin felt warm, like the temperature a soft flame would be at, but she ignored it and pulled the Winter Soldier towards her.

Their lips crashed in the middle, breaking off the uncomfortable silence as Laurel kissed Bucky softly and lovingly.
She didn't want it to end, because then he would have to leave her, but it had to eventually.

Seperating, Laurel's blush was evident as Bucky stared at her with shock. Laurel looked down, not thinking she could handle looking at him for much longer without bursting out into tears.

"You helped me conquer my demons... Even though you weren't there..." she admitted, playing with her fingers. Her voice cracked slightly, a tear sliding over her cheek and landing on her thigh. "I thought about you..."

"I thought about you too, Laurel," he practically mumbled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. "Just the thought of you, as Black Siren or Laurel Embers, helped me stay sane."

Laurel felt a gentle kiss be place on top of her head, a final loving gesture. As Laurel looked up again, tears freefalling, Bucky gave her a sad smile. "Please come back to me..."

"I will," he promised, moving his arm from her shoulders and brushing away the tears. "And next time, when I'm better, I won't leave." Laurel gave him a small smile as the doctors/scientists told him the freezing container was ready.

Steve returned soon after, frowning at Laurel's tear stained cheeks as she held onto Bucky's hand. He walked over to the two, seeing Laurel drawing small shapes on the back of Bucky's palm as he got comfortable in the container.

"Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to let go," one of the doctor's instructed softly, having seen to moment the two had minutes prior.

Bucky looked at his friend with pure admiration and love. His eyes held love for Laurel Embers and only  Laurel Embers.

Steve stepped to Laurel and unwrapped her hand from Bucky's smiling sadly at his friend.

Steve and Laurel watched as the glass slid over, encasing him in the container. Bucky didn't open his eyes as the temperature dropped and misty clouds of white floating into it, the glass fogging up as it iced over, but before he was fully under, Laurel saw a small tear slid down Bucky's cheek, dropping off before his body's vitals stopped changing. They showed he was still alive but now, he was frozen.

Steve looked down to Laurel, kissing the top of her head as he saw how badly she was taking the goodbye.

"I have to go talk to T'Challa, okay?" his voice was gentle, but Laurel never looked at him, instead nodding.

He kissed her temple once more before walking off, leaving Laurel alone with the frozen super soldier.

She stepped forward, placing her hand on the freezing glass, feeling it make her hand numb. She ignored it though as she used her other hand to wipe her eyes.

"Please keep your promise and come back to me..." Laurel whispered, feeling like time slowed and it was just her and Bucky. Her heart broke apart in her chest, tears free falling as she stared at the man she now knew she had grown to really care for. Bucky Barnes was the one she knew she truly loved and the one she knew her heart wanted. "Come back to me, my love..."


WOO, Book two done!
Laurel is actually a personal favourite (her and the OC in the fifth book, stay tunedddd)
Anyways, hope you enjoyed Control and had fun reading Laurel and Jade's stories, sorry if it was a bit trash in some parts cuz i got really lazy a lot writing this one haha
Boom, book three is titled: "Demons | Guardians of the Galaxy", which follows the Guardians movies and I will probably do double and maybe begin uploading Book four whilst uploading this one

WOO, Book two done! Laurel is actually a personal favourite (her and the OC in the fifth book, stay tunedddd)Anyways, hope you enjoyed Control and had fun reading Laurel and Jade's stories, sorry if it was a bit trash in some parts cuz i got reall...

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(Yes, that is Killer Frost from The Flash, can you tell I'm not adventurous with my shows and movies?)
See you soon!!

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