Chapter two~ Back to school

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"Ok, so for our first day back we won't do much. You just have to turn in the homework you were given over the summer to that box over there." The teacher stated as she pointed to a box in the corner. "When you're done, feel free to socialize till the bell rings." Thank god that he had Garth in this class. Dean walked over to a desk in the back as Garth followed behind, sitting right next to him. "I'm surprised she's not handing out homework today." Garth said as he pulled his homework out of his bag. "Just be glad she didn't." Dean replied.

Dean walked over and put his homework into the box and started making his way back to his desk when he noticed someone talking to Garth. He had black, short hair. Dean also noticed that he was wearing almost all black; black leather jacket, gray t-shirt underneath that read "Panic at the disco", black skinny jeans and black boots. He wondered if he was some kind of goth. This guy was also wearing a thin line of eyeliner on his upper eyelid. Dean had to admit, it made the guy look pretty hot, in his opinion.

He made his way to the desk and raised an eyebrow to Garth. "Hey, Dean! This is Cas, he's an exchange student from Russia. He's originally from Michigan though." Dean looked at Cas and gave his signature 'Nice meet you' smile. "Great to meet you, Dean was it?" Cas asked. "Yeah, that's it." Dean replied back. He looked into Cas's eyes the whole time and holy fuck, they were blue. Cas held out his hand to shake Dean's, and he gladly accepted the chance to hold this dude's hand.

The next thing Dean knew, his phone started to go off. Dean felt a blush creep up on his face as he fumbled for his phone, quickly answering it. "Hello?" Dean said into the speaker as he walked away from Garth and his new acquaintance, Cas. "Hey Dean-o! How's your first hour going?" He heard Jo say through the speaker. "Fine, so far. Mrs.Lambert hasn't assigned any homework yet, so that's a relief." "I didn't know that Sam was already in a senior level for science." Jo half said and half asked. "Yeah, that kid is too smart for his own good." Dean laughed as he replied back.

"Crap, the teachers back, I'll see you later at lunch Dean-o." "See ya Jo." Dean took his phone away from his ear and ended the call. He walked back over his desk and saw that Cas was still talking to Garth. Garth noticed Dean and asked "Was it Jo? She said she was gonna call you in your first hour to see if you would get in trouble." Dean laughed and asked "Why would she do that?" "To see if we were allowed to use our phones in class." Garth replied. "Who's Jo?" Cas asked, finally able to jump into the conversation. "One of our friends; you might have seen her around. She has blonde hair, in our grade, wears a lot of plaid." Garth answered. "Oh, her. She's pretty." Cas randomly said.

From someone like Cas, Dean was expecting for him to say 'she's so hot' or something like that. Not something like 'she's pretty'. Dean had already heard enough people calling Jo hot, and telling them off for calling her that, so what Cas said made Dean feel better, and a bit jealous. Wait Dean thought, why the hell would I be jealous if Cas thinks that Jo is pretty? "Dean!" "Wha-?" Dean focused back into reality and saw Garth staring at him. "Sorry, I was just thinking." Garth leaned back and kept giving him a weird look. "About what?" Garth asked. Certianly not Cas that's for sure Dean thought.

"Just, nothing." Dean answered. And with that, the bell rang. Thank the lord Dean thought. He grabbed his things and rushed out of the room with Garth just sitting there with Cas. "He was acting weird." Cas said. "Eh, you get used to it with Dean."

The rest of the day was one big blur for Dean, the classes went by faster than expected. Finally, he reached the end of the day. He was stuck in some art class that he didn't enjoy, and finally heard the bell ring. He rushed out of the room and made his way to his locker. "Hey there, Dean-o." He heard someone behind him say. Dean smiled to himself and turned around to see Jo. "Hey, Jo." "Ok, so there's this party at this dude's house- I don't know what his name is, it's like cassy or whatever, anyway- were going." She said quickly. "Jo, I, uh, haven't been to many parties in my life and you know that." "Yeah yeah, but you need to meet people." "I already have people, you guys." Dean said whilst motioning to Garth, Ash, and Ellan sitting at a table far behind them. Jo rolled her eyes and retorted "New people Dean! You can't spend your whole life without meeting anyone else." "Well I've been fine so far, why can't I be fine now?"

Jo smirked and said "God, Dean. You're still going, though. Even if I have to drag you there." "Fine, fine." Dean agreed as he raised both his hands in defense. He looked up and noticed Cas sitting behind the table Garth and everyone were sitting at. He looked a little angry, yet flustered at the same time. He noticed Deans eyes looking at him and turned his gaze to someone sitting in front of him. He looked closer at the girl and noticed that strawberry hair. It was Charlie Bradbury. She was the high-school geek that was badass at the same time. Also, a lesbian. Guys usually liked her, but they were always denied.

"Dean!" "Huh?" He returned his attention to Jo. "You're out of it today, is everything fine?" Jo asked. "Yeah, just a little distracted." "Dean!" He heard someone say. He peeked around Jo to see his moose of a brother, Sam, with Jess under his arm. "Later, Dean-o." "See ya Jo." Dean replied with. Sam walked over with a huge puppy grin on his face. "Fun day, huh?" Dean asked. "Yeah, highschool didn't seem too bad." "Yeah just wait till they actually make you do stuff." Dean replied with. "Was that Jo Harvelle?" Jess asked. "Yeah, why?" Dean asked back. Jess scrunched up her face like she was grossed out or something. "I don't really like her." Sam removed his hand from her shoulder and looked down at her and asked "Why not?"

"She's like a stereotypical southern, tough girl. I don't know, she just seems off." Jess said. "Or you're just jealous of her." Dean murmured. "Huh?" Jess asked. Dean lifted up his head and said "Nothing." "Well, we gotta get going." Sam said, breaking the silence. "Ok, bye babe." Jess leaned up on her tippy toes and gave a kiss on the cheek to Sam. Dean gave a little wave and started walking to the doors, Sam following behind him.

Once they were out of hearing, Dean said "Listen Sammy, she's a sweet girl, but I don't know why you stay with her." "Because I love her, Dean." Sam said whilst closing his door in unison with Dean. "I know she can be a little stubborn at times, but she means well." "Yeah, like all the times she's disregarded my presence when I'm around you guys." Dean replied. Sam gave a bitch face and looked out the window. Dean put the shift into drive, and drove away with Sam back to their house. Dean had a party to get ready for.

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