Life Without Adults o13o

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         Life without adults would be AMAZING and BAD at the same time.

        Without Adults, I could do whatever I want. I could go to my friends house and not get yelled at or nagged about it. I could read all day without being told to do something like wash the dished or broom the bathroom.  It could be stupendous without having adults telling me what I couldn't wear. Without adults, it could be my dream world come true.

        This was untill I thought of where would babies come from.

        Babies don't just miraculessly fall out of the sky.Without adults in this world,my friends wouldn't be or might as well not even been born. I wouldn't be here either. Which isn't at all a good this because I wouldn't have anyone to frolic with.

        So I would have to say that without adults, my world would be spendid and unpleasant at the same time.


Hey y'all.

How have y'all been?

I hope y'all was good.

So this is another one of the "in my opinion" prompts. Hope y'all like it. 

y'ALL no what to do 

As always





Thankxxxx and BYE!!!!!!!

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