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It's been 3 days since Hawkmoth had killed chatnoir and Plagg came to live with Marinette , Tikki and Master Fu, who she lived with now since the death of her parents. It's been hard but She was happy To have her master to help.
Master Fu is keeping something from her though,"Master, is something wrong? I can sense it." She says to the elderly man sitting next to the window.
He takes a deep breath, "We need to leave Paris Marinette, it's the only way to keep everyone safe."
She walked to him and looked him in the eye, "leave? But were will we go?" He waits for a few minutes, Tikki and Plagg fly into the room to here he answer.
"Gotham City in America."
So here She was,on a plane going to Gotham to start fresh. Tikki and Plagg turned into humans that appeared to be around 6. Tikki had red hair with a streak of black in her bangs, her hair was tied into buns and she wore a ladybug headband and red overalls. Plagg had messy black hair and tanner skin then Tikki, he wore a baggy black shirt with a paw print and 'meow' on it and black jeans. Marinette had made both of their outfits. Master Fu was asleep next to them, this was now Marinettes family and she was going to protect them at all costs.

They bought an old tea shot and made it into a café, Marinette working full time there so she didn't apply for any high schools in Gotham, she needed to stay by her family. Master Fu made tea bags in the upstairs house for the café during the day while the 'twins' went to a pre-school, their human names were 'Bridget Fu' and 'Felix Fu' while Marinette kept her name only changing it to Fu as well.
People in the café would always ask why a 16 year old girl wasn't at school, Marinette only said she had to take care of her sick grandpa and her little siblings.
She would get her regular customers and some new ones once in while but she never really noticed how two boys would always be in the café, everyday, at the same time as always.
Tikki would help out sometimes by bringing people their orders but Plagg only hide or sat at the counter eating camber and glaring at boys who tried to flirt with Marinette, it was adorable.
Master Fu taught Marinette everything about the miraculous and their power instead of school work because if Master Fu were to unexpectedly pass away Marinette would be the last Guardian.
"Marinette, I want a cookie!" Tikki cried to Marinette in human form. The two human-kwami children were with Marinette in the grocery store looking for more cooking supplies for the café but Marinette had an odd feeling someone or something was watching them.
"Tikki,Plagg do you sense that we are being watched?" Marinette whispered to them, the two closed their eyes, "yes, be careful Marinette,we do not know what it is yet." Tikki said in a serious tone while Plagg nodded in agreement.
They continued to walk around the store, Marinette kept the miracle dagger, that Master Fu gave her for protection because she couldn't transform with Tikki being human, closer to her every time she had the odd feeling. Playing 'happy family' could fool civilians but not Hawkmoths minions, they could sense the power that the kwamis put off.

The three walked back home in the dark city. Tikki nestled close to Marinette while Plagg upped in rain puddles, "Pl-Filix, you're going to get sick from that water! We don't know what's in it." Marinette had to correct herself, she was not aloud to say 'Plagg' in Public.
Marinette got the same feeling again, she pushed Plagg and Tikki into an alleyway and turned to see two strangers in black holding gums at them, "Give us your money or your children and you die!" Yelled the one on the left. 'At least it wasn't one of Hawkmoths minions.' Marinette though but this was still bad. Marinette narrowed her eyes at the man and pulled Plagg and Tikki closer to her body, both clinging to her.

A dark shadow feel between the five and held a katana to the muggers, "It's the Bats brat!" The other man yelled in fear then began to fire at the man in the shadows.
"Run away." He said in a deep, intimidating voice. But they couldn't, if they did they too would be shot at and possibly killed, "We can't! They are shooting everywhere!" Marinette yelled, Tikki buried her head into Marinettes side and began to cry, Plagg stared in shock at the display before them.

The muggers lay unconscious on the floor next to the man, he went over to Marinette and the frightened children, "Are you alright miss?" He asked now in a softer voice then before.
"Yes thank you, I'm sorry but me and my siblings just moved here, who are you?" She asked in English but her French accent was clear.

"I'm Robin, One of the protectors of Gotham and I'm here to help."

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