Chapter 5

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Chars POV

I get dressed for school. Black shirt with orange ring, dark boys jacket, black jeans and my converse.

I ride to school, getting noticed by people for my hair. I go in to class. Math. Ergh. Why this subject. Anything else. I do my work than leave cause its end of class. The bell rings and students rush past, but I just walk normally. I get to c,ass late.

"Your late." Mrs higgins states.

"And your not blind." I sassed back. I take my seat and start doing science, but nothing exploded.

Next class is my favorite class. Art. I always paint the same thing. All in pencil, shaded. Its a pier where a girl is in the air, about to plunge into the water, but one thing is noticeable. Three a girl trying to stop her.

Even though I draw it, I don't know who that girl is. I don't have any friends so I just don't know.

When I finish, I simply draw the British flag in pencil still shaded. Usually, class is over as I finish the flag.

I walk out of class and see I have lunch. I go sit in the library to eat my lunch. After eating lunch, I go to my next class. English. I don't mind English, so I survive through it without dying of boredness.

After that I go to history. We learn bout stuff, nuff' said.

We go home again but something stops me from walking home.

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