Chapter 1

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        Char's POV

          I got dressed as usual. Black T-shirt with fire ring in the middle, Grey jacket, and high-waisted dark purple jeans. I walked into the bathroom, remebering what I wanted to do. I grabbed the hair dye, Tipped my head over the bath and masaged it into my head. I waited 30 minutes, checked the time and went upstairs to check it. My long, side- fringe was now a dark purple which faded lighter as it went on. The rest of my hair was like that, Really dark purple at the top and lighter as it got to the bottom. I poofed up the sides of my hair and fringe and put my beanie hat on. it was a black.

I walked down stairs, not seeing my 18- year old brother there. Im sixteen and don't live with my parents. Whoopie! I grabbed my backpack slung the strap over one shoulder and let the other strap fall. I loved this bag even though it ws quite old. It was black with a ring of fire and in the middle in big thick blue writing that  looked like water, it said:

Don't be afriad to stand up for yourself!

I believe to make myself heard! I slipped on my real, black and dark purple converses. I walked back into the kitchen, grabbed the sticky notes and wrote a note for my brother, Adam.

To Adam,

I left for school but I didn't see you so I left this note. I'll be back at either 3:05 or 4:05. Cause I might get detention. I finally dyed my hair purple. Bye big bro.

Love from, Char.

I quickly applied foundation, mascara, blusher and a bit of eyeliner to open my vibrant blue eyes.

Nichole's POV

I got ready for school, brushing my brown hair into its normal style. Its a side fringe but it goes just above my eyes. Part of my hair fell down my sides as I stook my cream coulored beanie on. I kept it that way. i was was wearing a blue T-shirt with a white over thing. I wore it on top cause it went with my T-shirt, I put on black leggings and grabbed my red coverse. I kissed my parents goodbye and walked out of the door.

I walked out of the door and saw another girl. She came down besides me on her skull skadeboard with purple headphones around her neck. She had dark purple hair and really cool clothes.

"Sup!" She said. 

"Um..Hello" I said back, nervously.

"Hello? Why not say Hi or Hey or Sup! or stuff!" She exclaimed.

"Uh, Hey!"  I tried to say back enthusiastic. She took out her phone, still on her skateboard and put a song on. I looked at her phone. It was a playlist of songs. She was listening to little me by little mix ( I think thats who) She put her headphones on her head and put her foot on the ground and started to roll faster down the hill. I sighed. I wish I could stand up for myself. As I got to school I saw the same girl, stuffing her skateboard in the bottom of her bag, putting her books on the skateboard. she zipped it up and went inside. I wonder if I ever will see her again...

Char's POV

I walked into school and sat down on the stairs. I whipped out my phone, chucked it in the air and caught it. As i caught it I hit the on button. I looked around, making sure no one was watching and put in my password. I was about to click my games, when a girlish giggle came from the 'Perfs' Thats what I call all the girls who are all Girly and caked in make up. The perfs where giggling about something so I listened.

"Oh, Did you SEE what she looked like, honestly she dyed her hair to  be more popular!" Squeaked Jessica the head of the Perfs. Their talking bout me!  They think I'm trying to get attention? Reality check Jessica, get your head out off your ass. I walked past them trying to get them to say something, they did to my delight!

"Can't make a smart comment can you Char- Eww I said her name!" Skylar said, immaturely. 

"Oh really, I don't? Are your hair extentions messing up your brains or something, cause I just did comment, idoits!" I remarked, walking off leaving them spell-bound. 


Hope you enjoyed this SUPER long first chapter. This whole chapter was written by Char. Bia my lil' Potatoes

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