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Ella's POV

My words echoed through my head.
'Why was I so venerable with him'
I never pout'
'I feel safe with him'
'Why me'

As I thought about all this the car came to a stop and Luca exited the car. He then came over to my side of the car and opened to door and held his hand out for me to which I gladly excepted it and stood up.

"Where are we" I asked him curiously

"My family's restaurant, c'mon let's get you cleaned up." He responds. Luca then leads me past all the people who are enjoying their meals and brings me upstairs and into a bathroom.

He then proceeds to pick me up by the waist as if I weigh nothing and sets me down on the counter. Luca went to the cabinet pulled out a small white towel and wets it with the water running out of the faucet.

Luca then comes over to me and gently wipes the dried blood that is on my cheek with the damp towel. While he cleans the cut I whimper at the burning sensation the contact from the damp towel made.

"Hey are you ok" he asks me softly. And this confuses me because not many people in school know the real Luca Ricci, and the people that do don't say a word. He comes off as cold, heartless and cruel. But why is he being so nice to me?

"Fine" I mumble while my eyes were down cast and my head lowered. He then pushes my head up by my chin forcing me to look at him.

"If it hurts tell me and I'll stop it's just me and you, you don't need to be tough in front of me." He then continued to wipe my cut and I masked the burning sensation I felt every time the towel came in contact with my cut.

"Done" he said as he put the towel into a laundry basket and put a bandaid over the cut.

As he walked back over to me he suddenly kissed my cheek where the bandaid was. I turned cherry red not knowing what to do. There was only one question floating around in my mind. So I asked him.

"Why are you doing this. Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Ella... isn't it obvious... I like you... d-do you like me?" His voice held so much hope as he said this. And the truth was I wasn't sure because there was something telling me that he was trouble. He wasn't a safe person to be around but I trusted him to keep me safe. Plus I didn't even know him

"Luca... I- I don't even know you that well and... oh crap my moms gonna have a heart attack can I use your phone please." I asked realizing I should have been home twenty minutes ago and that my phone was dead.

"Sure" he said with disappointment lacing his voice.

"Luca I'll answer your question but if I don't tell my mom I won't be alive long enough to answer your question." I explain to him. Hope filled his expression once again as he handed me his phone.

I quickly dialed my apartments phone and it took two rings for my mom to answer.

(E= Ella M= her mom)

M: hello
E: hi mom I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner my phone died and I went to a... um... a friends place.
M: Oh My god Ella what the hell I thought something had happened to you. This is why I always have your brothers near you. Don't ever do this again.
E: I'm sorry momma
M: mhmm. Why do you think I always have your brothers with you.
E: momma I'm not a baby... I have to go
M: honey before you do I'm sorry and when should I expect you home?
E: ummm... I don't exactly know but in less then an hour. Kay. Love you bye.
M: love you to be safe. Bye.

With that I hung up the phone and handed it back to Luca.

"So about before" he said nervously

"Luca I... like you to but I don't really even know you that well and all. Plus I feel like there's this dark aura around you and I'm not sure if I even trust you yet we're virtually strangers." I said basically in one breath.

"I know but can you please give me a chance" he practically begged but calmly.

I don't know much about him but there is one thing I do know about Luca Ricci is that he doesn't beg girls it's usually the other way around. Why was it so different when it came to me.

"What about my brothers, and how do I know you aren't going to use me like you did the other girls in school." I responded.

'Your brothers I could talk to. I am friends with your older brother. Your twin might be an issue talking to though. And I won't use you but you have to make that decision for yourself." He answered back smoothly.

"Luca... I don't know" I admit. I do really like him because he's shown a side to me I haven't seen before but if i say yes I feel like he's not telling me something that I'm getting into beforehand.

"I guess" I mumble but then continue

"But I feel like there's something your not telling me."I say still saying quiet and my head lowered.

He raises my head you his thumb and index finger to make me look him in the eyes.

"I... some people don't like my family and I... and... that might put you in danger... but do you trust me I'll keep you safe I promise if you'll be my girlfriend."

First off I knew something was off but I know that that isn't the whole truth but only half. I just didn't press further. Plus if he trusted me enough he would eventually tell me anyway. So I then answered

"Yes"I say to answer his question.

While I'm looking at him I see happiness in his eyes, but also a bit of concern. I understand the happiness but why the concern. Is he always going to be so mysterious.

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