The kitchen walls were light lime green, while the kitchen cabinets were pale yellow. Jazz and I have tried to convince my parents to repaint, but they'll just tell us how charming the color can be if you let them be. Which makes no sense.

However, the kitchen table looks pretty cool. Mom and dad made it from metal. So it looks futuristic. It also has matching chairs in the same metal color. The backrest of the chair is formed into a curved T shape. Which is not always that comfortable, but it is what it is.

I grabbed a glass from the wall cabinets over the sink and proceeded to fill it with water. I rested the glass on the worktop beside the sink, my hand still holding the glass.

I picked up my phone from my back pocket, scrolling down to my mom's number. My thumb hovering over the call button. Is Phantom really just a victim? Should I trust him?

I stared at my mom's number for a while before deciding not to call. Phantom hasn't done anything yet and he's had plenty of opportunities to do so.

I'll call mom after hearing Phantom's story.

With that, I decided to take a step back from the sink and head back to Phantom.

It looked like Phantom hadn't moved an inch since I left. Unlike other people, Phantom sat upright instead of leaning back on the couch. He almost looked uncomfortable, uptight.

"Here you go," I said and gave him the glass. Phantom took it with a small grateful smile, he then took a sip before setting it down on the coffee table.

"So, what happened to you dude? And how can I help?" I tried to ask the silent boy.

"Nothing big really, a group came at me, pushed me against the wall, took my bag and money." He answered and looked down at his hands, rubbing them together.

"Yikes, all your money?" I asked, a stupid question of course. I am me after all.

"Yes..." Phantom answered as he frowned. Not frowning at me, but more at himself, like he was getting frustrated.

"Sorry to hear that... "I said awkwardly.

Before I could say anything else, Phantom did.

"You said your name is Danny Fenton right?" Phantom suddenly asked.

"Um, Yeah?"

"So, your parents are Maddie and Jack Fenton?" Phantom asked and surprised me. Making my creep factor rise from zero to one hundred.

Before I could question him about how he knows, Phantom added. "My parents used to be friends with them."

Used? I thought. What does he mean by that? Why haven't I heard anything about them, or more specifically, about Phantom. My parents don't have many friends because of their hobby. So I know almost all of their friends. For example, a creepy man called Vlad Masters. That my parents would stay with the next few days. I don't really like Vlad. He looks at mom... weirdly. Almost like the way Tucker looks at girls in school, but more hidden and unobtrusive.

Mom and dad met Vlad when they were younger and went to college. Apparently there was an accident with one of their projects and Vlad got hurt in the process. I don't know the details since none of them want to talk about it. I even tried asking Vlad himself, but he only got mad from the memory and told me irritated, that it was my father's fault before stomping off. When I ask my parents they only look away guiltily before telling me it was a long time ago and they don't remember it clearly, which is a bunch of baloney if you ask me, but I let it slide. My parents hadn't really heard anything from Vlad since the accident, but one year ago he randomly showed up at our doorstep to say hi.

Incubus Phantom[NEW VERSION]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz