Chapter 3

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Writing is so much funnier and easier when you have a lovely proofreader!

Btw I made myself some fanart XD, since I'm my own biggest fan.

Chapter "warning" -  Slightly sexual stuff. (If you don't like that, just end the chapter after Danny Falls asleep.)


As we stepped inside the house, Phantom removed his arm from my shoulders to instead lean against the wall. He took off his shoes and I did the same.

I let my backpack and jacket fall off my shoulders. I hung my jacket on the coat rack that stood close to the door. I placed my backpack on the floor beside it.

Turning around I saw Phantom waiting for me, silently looking at me.

I really hope I choose the right thing to do. This is something my dad would've done. Which is not a good sign since I really don't want to be like him. No offense to my dad, but he's not the smartest so to speak. My mother, on the other hand, is smart.



So, me not being the brightest like my sister is not that surprising.

However, I'll just have to roll with it now. I can't recall why I'd thought this was a good idea. I do remember the doubts I had, but they just went away... Strange.

We both headed into the living room, which was pretty much connected with the entrance of the house.

Simple light blue walls and dark brown wood floors. The couch was dark gray and around 5 people could fit in it. In front of it was a small round table and on the wall hung a tv.

"Um, okay... " I mumbled and rubbed my neck.

"Heh... um, I don't really know where to go from here." I chuckled lightly and looked away. Phantom hadn't ones let go of his staring contest. Did the guy even blink? Ever?

"Are you sure we shouldn't call the cops?" I asked for what felt like thousands time.

For the first time, Phantom looked away.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I just slightly hit my head when the.. um... the guys stole my bag." Phantom said and let out a deep breath.

"I'll be fine after some rest." He added and I just stood there, staring at him in shock. That was the first long, full sentence I'd heard from this guy yet.

"Oh, okay if you're sure..." I said and once again rubbing my neck. So after some rest, he will leave? Good, I guess. This dude could possibly kill me with just his eyes. This situation just gets weirder with every second that passes. I can't wait until he leaves. No offense of course.

"I will get you some water, and you can, um, sit down on the couch and rest," I said and pointed at the couch behind him.

He looked at where I pointed and then back at me with a neutral face, but then he headed over to the couch and took a seat.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I held. Who knew interacting with strangers could be so difficult and exhausting.

I didn't say anything before heading to the kitchen, doing my best not to sprint and escape the awkwardness thickening the air.

The kitchen was close to the living room. No doors separating them. So if Phantom lean slightly to his left, he could probably see me standing by the sink.

I don't know who picked the colors for the walls and -in this room- the kitchen cabinets, but what I do know is that that person needs to get fired.

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