Chapter 1

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Finally, chapter one is here.

Btw, I finally have a proofreader!!!!!! 


So here I am, the same situation as usual when Casper highs most popular guy, Dash, failed a test. Dash is that typical guy that could get away with just about anything. He's selfish cruel and a bully to those who dwell on the bottom. Unfortunately, teachers and adults give his behavior a pass most of the time because he's a victorious football player. Short blond hair and dark blue eyes describe Dash the best. He is very muscular and fit, he usually wears the standard uniform of the jocks: a red-and-white letterman jacket, with a black t-shirt underneath, dark blue jeans and white shoes.

"Come on Dash! Do you need to do this every single time? It's not my fault!" I said while trying to remove Dash's hand that was currently grasping my shirt, pushing me up against a locker.

Whenever something goes wrong for him, Dash will most likely take his frustration out on innocent students, like me, his favorite target to bully and humiliate.

"Yes, Fen-turd! Your face asks for it." Dash sneered and laughed, as he mocked my last name.

My surname is Fenton, thank you very much, I wanted to scream at him, but knew better than to provoke him even more. Dash drew back his fist, ready to punch, but was interrupted by our teacher and vice-principal- Mr. Lancer calling a few meters away from us with a frown. Clearly displeased with the situation going on in front of him.

"Next time, Fen-turd," Dash said irritated, dropping me on the floor and walking away. I could hear Lancer and Dash start discussing his failed test and how that would affect his football career and yada yada.

"Man, are you okay?" Asked Tucker. One of my two best friends and a huge techno-geek. He has brown skin, turquoise eyes, black hair, a yellow long-sleeve shirt, green cargo pants with a black belt, and brown boots along with a red beret. You could say that he was that typical nerd, but still not. I don't think he is that nerdy. Yes, he's smart, but he's not that involved with school. Quite the opposite really. Why everyone called him a nerd, is probably thanks to his glasses and PDA.

"Yeah, I'm fine Tuck." I sighed and tried to straighten my shirt back down, but it looked like it would be permanently wrinkled in the center. Which I frowned at.

"What's the next class?" I asked to change the subject.

Tucker's pity look quickly morphed into a big smile.

"PE." He said and his smile grew even more.

"And since when do you like PE?" I asked, stepping back from him. He must be sick or something, Tucker never liked PE.

Tucker noticed and laughed.

"Calm down dude, I still hate it. I'm happy about the fact that Ms. Tetslaff is home, puking her guts out. Or well, that's what the other guys say."

And with "other guys", Tucker probably means the victims he eavesdropped on.

"Really?!" I hate that class. Not because I hate running, but because I share that class with Dash and his 'kind' friends.

"Yup, so we can basically just go home now. Well, at least you can, I have an extra science class." He said while yawning.

"Jeez, that's gotta suck," I said and wrinkled my nose.

"I guess," Tucker said with a shrug. "It's not that bad though, I chose it voluntarily."

We walked to our lockers. I put back the books I didn't need to bring home, then I took my plain grey jacket out before closing the locker.

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