Baby Sale

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Baby Sale

Daddy and I went to the hospital

To see Mommy, yesterday

Daddy told me Mommy wasn’t sick

She had a baby and everything’s ok

I really couldn’t understand

This whole having a baby stuff

So I asked Mommy where babies came from

She said making me understand would be tough

What she did tell me was

Mommies went to hospitals to get a baby

And there they got a boy or girl

Or, sometimes, one of each, maybe

I thought about it for a while

I told Mommy, I think I understand

You come to the hospital to get a baby

And you have to take what you can

I said it sounds like shopping for something special

Sometimes you settle for something other

Mommy smiled and kissed my cheek

I said…

“I hope you got her on sale. I would have preferred a baby brother”

July 12, 2013

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