Another Kind of People

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Wait, Khushi thought. I know him. "Dr. Goddswani?"

"Wakeel Saiba? What are you doing here?" Smiling widely, he held out his hand for her to shake.

"Oh you know each other?" Manorama asked curiously.

"Dr. Goddswani is treating one of my clients. We met when I went to visit her."

"Please, call me NK."

"Only if you call me Khushi."

"What a small world," Akash commented. "Khushi Ji, NK is my cousin. And NK bhai, Khushi Ji is a friend of Payal Ji's. She works in our office."

Arnav didn't like this at all. What if this Khushi tried to sink her claws into NK? He was an idiot; he'd probably be really easy for a girl like her to entrap.

To make matters worse, N.K. suddenly grabbed her hand. "Uh, Khushi Ji, I have to talk to you," and pulled her away, startling everyone.

"Hai Nand Kishore, what was that?" Buaji said.

"How do you know his name?" Manorama demanded.



"His full name is Nand Kishore?" Payal asked. "What a coincidence. Buaji didn't know that; she just likes to remember Nand Kishore whenever she's surprised or overwhelmed."

"Mrs. Raizada," another voice said.

Buaji silently murmured another Hai Nand Kishore when she saw who had spoken. "Payalia," she whispered. "Is that Vikrant Amit?"

Payal nodded, trying really hard to master her shock. It was indeed Vikrant Amit. The young girl that was by his side must be his cousin or something; she didn't think he had a sister. Payal nearly choked on empty air when he introduced her as his girlfriend.

As Vikrant explained that his parents couldn't make it because they were abroad and congratulated Manorama, Arnav looked around, trying to spot that idiot NK was. There, in that corner.

"Excuse me," he said smoothly and headed towards them. Payal and Akash were bad enough; he refused to let NK and Khushi happen.


"What is it, NK Ji?" Khushi demanded when he pulled her into an isolated corner.

"Khushi Ji, Vikrant Amit is here."

All color fled her face only to come rushing back in the next second. "Here?" she hissed. "Where?"

He nodded back to where they'd just been standing and she saw that Amit had joined the group. "I saw him coming and I didn't want him to catch you by surprise. Sorry I dragged you out like that."

"It's alright. In fact, thank you. Cases like these always make me emotional and I need to control my reactions against him. I can't risk being removed from this case because I got into a personal spat with him. The best thing to do is to avoid him at all costs."

"Don't worry; I'll help. Besides, it's not like I want to go near him. I can't even look at him without remembering the marks on Anya's back."

Khushi knew what he was talking about. She'd asked that her bruises and scars be photographed as evidence and even looking at the pictures had been painful.

"Okay, so I got your back and you got mine."

He laughed. "Friends forever."

"How sweet," said Arnav dryly. He'd arrived just in time to hear, "I got your back and you got mine," and he wasn't happy about it. "I need to talk to you," he said to Khushi.

Intertwined Fates -- An IPKKND FanFicWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu