Apocalypse's Horseman [24]

Start from the beginning

“You. You’re mine.”

It was a promise – a promise that struck fear into my heart. If I had the courage to tear my gaze away from him I would have been looking for the nearest exit. But there would be no escape. I had been singled out. I counted one breath, then two.

And then he was charging. The others in the room scattered out of the way, content to let me deal with this foe. I gulped and jumped to the side, forcing my body to move out of the way of the Horseman. I smelt the stench of the Horseman’s hot breath as he came close enough to touch. It was only my quick reflexes that stopped him from barrelling his great big paws into my flesh. They were like two big meaty hammers just waiting to do harm and the ends were tapered with long sharp talons. I sucked in my stomach just to stay out of their reach.

Using my momentum, I pivoted and slashed my blade. It took a small bit of delight when Famine yowled and raised his hand to his bicep that was now leaking his tainted blood.

The raging beast of a man staggered forward a few seconds as he was unable to stop his momentum quickly enough. He wheeled around, each step making the floor beneath us tremble. He puffed and grunted, I imagined little puffs of steam escaping his nostrils as he ducked his head. And then he was charging once more.

Over and over again we danced with one another. He charged while I swerved and sliced.

Our movements became lethal, fast and deadly. Each of us was striking to hurt the other with brutal force. There was no mercy between either of us. My hesitance was gone as I struck to kill. I knew it wouldn’t actually kill him but every wound I created on his body felt like a small victory.

Famine’s fingers had transformed into strange claws and as he blew past me in another angry charge, I felt them cutting through my clothes and tearing through my skin. I felt the pain, the warmth as blood spilt from the wound by it was just another injury to join the others. I grit my feel and tried not to gag as famine brought his claws up to his face. With his beady eyes on me, his tongue darted out and licked a single bead off of the very tip. His eyes rolled back in his head and he let out a moan of pleasure.

“I am going to enjoy making you bleed.” He growled huskily before licking at another drop of blood before it could fall to the floor. “I can make you bleed a lot before killing you. It will be so delicious.”

He finished with another breathy whisper that had me forcing back bile. Why do the sick and twisted ones have to be the ones to reveal their plans? I grit my teeth and tightened my hands around my sword.

“I think I’ll decline.” I retorted, my eyes looking up and down the disgusting figure before meeting those horrible eyes. “You’re not really my type.”

There was another roar of rage then.

I tried to move to the side but Famine reigned himself in, moving with me as I darted to the side. He barrelled into me, his hand going through my skin. Intense pain wrenched through me and I felt a wave of dizziness. His hand was inside of me – inside of my stomach. I could feel them there.

Hot breaths blew in my ear and famine giggled triumphantly as he held me pinned to the ground his fingers toying with my insides.

Over his shoulder, I caught the eye of an angel. I used the hand that wasn’t pinned by the Horsemen and used it to mark and ‘X’ on famines back right over his heart. The angel nodded and silently lifted his sword. And then he struck hard and fast.

The blade went straight between the horseman’s ribs and straight into his heart. It continued on through and pierced through my shoulder. I cried out in pain as the horseman’s blood mixed with mine. It burnt like someone had set fire to my flesh.

Apocalypse's Horsemen (Devil's Assistant Series - Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now