Apocalypse's Horsemen [14]

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Chapter Fourteen

Only an hour had passed before we were on the move.

Calantha had been called and all Halflings were to be moved by the time the sun set on the day. There was little we could do if the being knew about Calantha and her kind but the underground cities were the only refuge our children might have.  Few knew the hidden city even existed and fewer still knew how to actually get there.

Walking through the glossy and overstated lobby of Satani Media, I offered a nod to the blond behind the reception desk. Since my first day here over a year ago, the relationship between the Kirsten and me had developed from an instant animosity to friendship. The woman had been dragged kicking and screaming into the supernatural world  around the same time that I had which forged a bond outsiders could never understand.

Then again, these days most people knew that there were things out there. After all, it was a little hard to hide evidence of hell hounds and it was even harder to hide the destruction left behind after huge death matches between demons and fallen angels. Unfortunately Satani media seemed to be the epicentre of it all. It was surprising that the normal people of this world were not training their eyes upon the skyscraper. Trouble always seemed to gravitate back towards the earthbound devil’s headquarters and it was only a matter of time before one of the humans realised this.

But for now, everyone else chose to remain ignorant.

Tapping Lucius on the shoulder, I nodded my head towards the blonde. He offered a wave at the sombre woman before strutting towards the doors.

“I’ll meet you in the car.”

I crossed the lobby quickly. I had swapped my heels for a pair of boots that had been knotted tightly to my feet. I probably looked a strange sight considering I was still wearing my work attire.

“Hey,” Kirsten offered, as I stopped and leant my arms on the top of her desk. “What’s going on?”

I glanced both ways before leaning further over the desk.

“We’ve got some leads but it looks like bad things are coming.”

Kirsten paled.

“Do you need me to do anything?”

I glanced over my shoulder at the men and women moving freely through the lobby and then shook my head.

“No, there is nothing you can do. Just call me if you notice anything strange but do not approach suspicious people. There is nothing you will be able to do in order to detain them.” I paused and stared hard at my friend before stretching out my hand. She took mine in her smaller cooler grip and gave it a squeeze. “I don’t think the building will be targeted, the latest threat seems to have other concerns but please, don’t take any risks.”  

I could see the war going on behind her eyes, her teeth biting in her lip as she looked at a spot behind my shoulder in an attempt to not make direct eye contact.

“Promise me. I cannot afford to lose anyone else – for my own sanity.”

The smaller but surprisingly bustier woman nodded her head. She held my hand for only a moment longer before releasing me.

“Good luck.”


Ducking my head down, I pushed my way through the suits passing through the lobby and emerged out onto the pavement. The other fallen angels were there. Dressed in casual clothes so as to not draw attention, I felt the strangest sensation of incredulity at the sight of Binah in a pair of jeans. I couldn’t picture her in anything but exotic colours and clothing. And there was her expression. There was something new there in her fathomless eyes as she stared out into the distance. Castiel who had been stood in front of her, frowned at his fellow angel before stepping to the side. Binah didn’t notice she just continued to look blankly.

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