unlikely friends

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It was still puzzling to Sal how someone like Larry could be so close with someone with (Y/n). Larry Johnson was hardcore, he wore dark colors and he liked that hard metal rock, something Sal himself was getting into. (Y/n) (L/n) was a sweet girl who could always be seen wearing one of her light-colored sweaters along with a skirt and black tights (or white, depending on what else she was wearing). The only thing that Larry and (Y/n) had in common was that they both wore converse daily. While Larry listened to hard metal rock, (Y/n) listened to The Veronicas and Hayley Kiyoko. They were nothing alike and it was making Sal Fisher lose his mind whenever he thought about it.

Not to say he didn't like her, because he did. (Y/n) was nice, and she had some nice hobbies. She volunteered at an animal shelter just down the road from the apartments, which Sal thought was cute. She didn't ask about his past and she wasn't nosey at all, something that Sal was thankful for. Still, it confused him how she was so close with Larry. After all, they were so different.

"I get it, I mean, she looks like a pink disaster, right? We've known each other for a long time before we could even walk! (Y/n) knows how to bring me back to reality, plus, she makes some killer pancakes, you should try them sometime, Sal." Larry had told him after Sal had asked him about (Y/n). (Y/n)'s parents were separated, and she lived with her father. Akira (L/n) was a nice man with a thick Swedish accent, he was kind and also wore sweaters. Sal guessed that (Y/n) didn't have a good relationship with her mother because no one ever talked about her. Sal just knew that the woman wasn't dead and that was enough for him and Larry to dislike her. In short, Larry was (Y/n)'s best friend, and that meant that Sal saw her a lot.

"What are you guys doing again?" (Y/n) asks, petting Gizmo softly as the feline rubs his head against her hand. Sal and Larry were looking for ghosts again, but she wanted to see their reaction to her asking. She knew fully well that Sal was hell-bent on solving the mystery that surrounded the Addison Apartments and she honestly didn't blame him. It was an interesting concept, of course, but looking for ghosts every time he had the time seemed a little unhealthy.

"Do you believe in ghosts, (Y/n)?" Sal asks, looking at her through his mask. Blue eyes met her own and Sal could feel a shiver run down his spine. If she did believe in ghosts, that'd be great. That meant that they had something in common.

Before she could even answer, Larry lets out a loud laugh and (Y/n)'s face flushes.

"Heck yeah, she does! When we were younger she'd run into the basement and yell about the ghost that was under her bathroom cabinet." Larry says, chuckling through his comment. Sal looks at her, his blue eyes confused.

"Why under your cabinet?" He questions, realizing how cute she looks when she's embarrassed.

what are you thinking, Sal?

"Because every time I went to get something from under there I could see a shadow! I wasn't joking around but Larry keeps on making fun of me for it!" (Y/n) huffs, lightly punching Larry in the shoulder. She looks at Sal, her lips turning up into a smile.

"I used to go down there so I could sleep in bed with Larry. It was only natural, he's like a brother to me."

"Yeah, and her dad would come down the next day and try to convince her that the bathroom cabinet wasn't haunted." Larry breaks out into another laugh as (Y/n) hits him again.

"You just live to embarrass me, don't you?" She huffs out, glaring at him playfully.

Sal watches them, realizing that neither of them liked each other romantically. That was good... but he didn't know why. Why would he care if they liked each other? It made no sense to him.

"But to answer your question... I do believe in ghosts. At least to an extent."

Sal understands what she means, at least. It was hard to believe in something you couldn't see. Ghosts were like any religion. Some people were blind but still believing, while others needed their proof before becoming dedicated. Sal saw himself like that, but he had plenty of proof of the supernatural. The image of those burning red eyes still plastered into his head. He didn't... he didn't want her to see that.


{My yandere fics are usually pretty intense, so if you don't like those kinds of things I suggest you leave. Also, all of the characters are canonly 15, but I'm bumping the all up to 16-17 just so no one complains. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and feel free to let me know what you think!}

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