Chapter 3

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"That's what I thought as well...until I got a visitor."

I felt as though my ears had deceived me, I'm smart enough to foresee where this conversation is going. He's about to nae nae on my brain, I can just feel it coming.

There was a good minute of awkward silence until I decided to interrupt it blatantly, "So are you going to say it or am I going to have to guess?"

"Sigh...I was in my room waiting for you to arrive when all of a sudden, a portal or void of some sort had formed in front of me. A man, who was built rather large and had a mist-like substance for a face, walked through the portal and continued towards me. Stopping only a few feet from the end of the bed I was laying on. All he told me was that the League of Villains had a message for you, although it was more like a warning. The villain said, "Tell your friend to watch her back, she's in pretty high demand." I don't know anything else, the only thing I know is that you are in danger and I am not in the mood to lose someone so close to me."

I starred at him blankly while processing the words that just came out of his mouth, "You do realize that I have complete control over my powers, right?"

"I am aware of that, (y/n)...but this is the League of Villains we are talking about. We have no idea what they're planning. I'm not sure if you have fully understood this yet, but you are a pretty powerful weapon and a necessity to the government, as well as NASA."

"Yeah, I kinda already guessed that", I replied coldly.

Cetus walked in my direction. Putting his face close to mine and his hands on my shoulders he said, "(Y/n), we are not going to negotiate this anymore. You are very special to me and I don't know what I would do with myself if I were to lose you to the hands of the League of Villains or anyone else for that matter. I can't lose you when I haven't even seen you smile yet."

His eyes were filled with determination, there's no way I would be able to change his mind about protecting me at this point. Before I could say anything, he put one hand on the back of my head and curled the other around my waist to then pull me into his chest. He left me there in shock. My eyes widened ever so slightly before returning to their regular dull expression. Cetus's quirk was nothing too crazy or spectacular, it was just very useful to NASA. Being able to move things with his mind and what-not. I'm not sure how he would be able to protect me.

He pulled me out of the hug and looked into my (e/c) eyes once again, "(Y/n), I'm going to be staying at your place for a little while until I know that your going to be okay on your own."

"I'm already going to be-"

"Nope, I am already set on the decision. There's nothing you can do about it", he interrupted quickly.

Cetus grabbed my hand and dragged me all the way back to my apartment, "I'll sleep on the couch, (y/n)."

"Sure thing, cowboy. Whelp, I'm gonna head to bed now."

"Wait, didn't you just go to bed— like what, an hour ago?" Cetus asked.

"Yeah, and?" I retorted with a blank gaze.

"Sigh, n-never mind..."

I woke up a few hours later and sat up with a large yawn, stretching my arms above me head. I had the weirdest dream, this country hick looking guy (look that up if you don't know what a country hick is) was sitting on the back of his pickup truck, strumming his guitar with a very large sausage in the rain...there were sausage bits going...everywhere. Weird, right?

After waking up, I noticed Cetus was no longer inside my apartment. I walked onto the private roof where my star flowers grew, Cetus was sitting on the pavement, looking up into the night sky.

My Little Star (Dabi x Reader) /// DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now