Chapter 8

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Cetus wiped away my lingering tears, the salty streaks still ever present on my puffy cheeks.

"(Y/n)", he began while looking into my eyes, "let's go back downstairs and relax for a while. You've been through a lot, but I'm here for you."

His face, painted with tranquility, danced in my head. He is special to me and I won't let anything happen to him. Ever.

We walked back downstairs and quietly sat on the comfortable couch.

"Hey, Cetus?" I say looking up at him, "You're my favorite."

Cetus grew a light pink on his cheek, but smiled at me with promise.
"Thank you, you're my favorite as well."

The next day

I woke up to the sound of a loud bang and a crash to which I raced out of bed to inspect the sound's origin. Cetus was on the floor with the components of a fine sandwich sprawled across the floor around him, leaving a single tomato slice on his head.

"A bit clumsy, aren't we today?" I say with a slight sarcastic tone.

"Stop making fun of me you meaine", he said with a child-like pout.

"Well I'll help you clean up", I playfully provoked while grabbing the tomato slice off of his head.

After finally cleaning up the mess, I take the trash outside since it was my turn this week anyway. The alleyway was as shadowed and musty as ever, but I reluctantly threw the bag in the dumpster.

I took a deep sigh, but was swiftly cut off by a hand rapping around my mouth, covering my struggling. I used my Super Nova to make a small burst between my attacker and I. With my bit of luck, I jump away to get a good look at the perpetrator.

I froze.

I've never seen anything like this, what is that? What kind of creature is that?
I screamed for Cetus who sprinted to me with great speed.

What is happening?

A/n: Hey sorry I have been gone for sooooo long. My mental health was terrible and quite frankly, I lacked the motivation. Not to mention school, but hey I'm here now. The posting schedule is by no means going to be consistent and I will keep each chapter under 500 words. Also, I literally could have sworn I wrote a chapter about why (y/n) was crying, but I guess it disappeared. See y'all during the next update!

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