𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝. 2

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Yea im very sorry....
THANKS FOR 4k ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ mwah


𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚢𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟.

          I lifted my head to someone saying.

                                                              "Heyy. I'm dante."
"Oh- H-hi. SAMY..."

I mentally face palmed myself as I saw his face he looked a little weirded out.

"Hey samy. What is a pretty lil face like yours doing out and all alone?."

I froze...I wanted to reply, nothing. But words could just not make it out of my mouth....

I kinda just stared him. He was also fucking  hot as hell. ( im sowwy..) But I didn't wanna leave him just like that so I decided to answer.

"Umm- nothing just skipping class because I don't feel like going the rest of the day.".

                                                    "Im surprised security hasn't caught you yet. Wanna go to the park?. Ill buy you food?"

I saw him smirk. I blushed. I was flushed and stuttered when answering his date/question I don't even know.

"U-uh S-sure I guess.."

Okay I look like a fool. I don't even know him Ive seen him around but I never, ever talked to him. Im lowkey scared. Whatever. Hes cute maybe he isn't bad.

                                               " Alright. Letss goo."

I heard a playful tone and gave a fake giggle while he chuckled. I gave him the realist but fakest smile I could let out. We were walking to his car and he opened the door for me. I smiled and let out a quick thanks.  After he got in and he drove to a gas station told me to wait in the car.

I waited for about 10 minutes or so. I went on my phone to see messages from mar on Instagram. I quickly read them to myself

Mar🌚 : samy im sorry where r u?.
Mar🌚 : samy c'mon im being fr where r u.
Mar🌚 : bro stop playing. Where tf r u.
Mar🌚 : SAMY ur reading these messages where r u.

  I heard the car door and quickly closed my phone looked up and saw Dante.

"Hey. Your back."

I smiled while he handed me a bad of chips and a bottle of coke.


                                                         " No problem."

He replied with. Cheery but deep voice. Hm I just shrugged it off. He started driving off. I just went on my phone the only sound was the radio. It was awkward..I wanted to go home. The car stopped and I looked up we weren't near the park. We were near the forest. I got a little bit scared. And my Dumbass thought it would be nice to ask "I thought we were going to the park".

                                            "Well change of plans baby.."

He said that in a low tone and has a sparkle in his eyes.

"U-umm. W-what a-are y-y-you doing."
I just stuttered it while leaning back as he got closer and closer to me. I was scared. No terrified.

"U-um back  o-"
I was cut of by his lips. My eyes wide. He was then aiming for neck as he got one kiss on it which I think left a mark. I used both of my hands trying my hardest to push him off.


TehEr.. 👾 I love yall. I don't support sexual assault. Im just putting it in becuz I needed the drama. But it won't get any farther. Superman winK wonK will come save the day. 😌

𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 | Mariano x Samyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें