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They say love happens all the time. Sure, some are everlasting while some crumble. But truth is, love is when you allow yourself to let someone in as they do the same. I did for quite a while.

My three year relationship blinded me. I thought he was the one. Boy was I wrong. The night I caught him  was the day I knew I could never love or trust again.

And you'd be surprise with who it was.

I haven't talked to either of them in a month. I have however talked to my twin brother because he is basically my half and we are inseparable.

Huh. Now I remember why Damon and I got so close. One, it's because we're twins, and two, we there for each other during the dark times in our family. I knew I could trust him. But I still became distant from everyone.

I used to be happy. I actually talked to my parents. But now I just mumble answers to their questions.

"How are you Honey?"


Whatever. It's better to be alone and not expect things from people other than yourself.

Victor, realizes his mistake and wants so badly to have me back and he thinks he can just do all these sweet gestures and I'll forgive him again. Right. That'll work someday... Or never. He just can't get through his head that I found him with someone else.

I didn't want to trust boys. I stopped talking to all my male friends except for one, and I was cold to the guys who thought they had a chance with me. Right, even if you're the hottest or nicest or sweetest, I can't be able to trust you.

Just when I thought I was deep in my no love zone, a new student decides to make an entrance at my school. Also an entrance in my heart. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

He didn't want anything to do with me, which was fine but then, BAM! He shows interest.

But he was up to something and again i was blindsided.

Just when I thought love just wasn't for me, my mind was changed completely.

So basically, I was having shitty luck with love, until someone changed that around. I had been so careful protecting my heart, only to have all those efforts wasted.

But isn't love worth it?

I'd like to know too.


So there's the prologue to my new Story! Hope You liked it somewhat :) Chapter one will be up soon.

Now this is my second story so I'm not sure how It's going to mount up. Maybe better than TLYWBD or less. I don't know.

Anyways hope you like it just as much as my first story :)



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