Left here in the pain

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I feel a tight grip onto my hand. Stood with the rain pouring down over me, becoming drenched. But I didn't care. I look to all of the faces sat around. Not surprised she isn't here. What a bitch. I continue to search the sad distraught faces. I see Nat sat with her head down holding Tris' hand. Beside her sat James, Abby and Con. I then realise the slightly tighter grip to my hand. I turn to see the brown curly head boy I love. Brad. I look to him as I feel the tears running down my face, he quickly grabs hold of me pulling me into a tight embrace, where I buried my head into his chest.
I feel a tap on a my shoulder and turn to see this young looking women in her mid twenties. 'Im sorry' I just nod as she walks past.
I look to see Nat and everyone walking towards me. They all greet me with a hug before saying 'sorry' and 'bye'. Pity is all I saw.
I stood motionless. The grip on my hand leaves as I see Brad walk the others back to there cars. Hearing a slight bit of there conversation 'how is she doing?' Which sounded like Tris speaking.
Which Brad replied 'I don't know Tris. I just don't know. What I do know is she needs me. I gotta go back to her'
I kneel down and begin to sob. I couldn't stop the tears. Brad runs over as he was breathless when he reached me. He held me for a while, moving the hair from my face tucking it behind my ear. He held me tightly before helping me stand. I look around and see we were the only ones left. 'We should go, let me take you home and I will run you a bath'
I look to him and begin 'I need to go see my mum. Can you take me?'
He smiles and nods. I walk over and lay down a rose. As I walk away Brad wraps his arms around my waist holding me tightly as we walk towards the car. The car ride was silent, I looked out the window as that suddenly became a lot more interesting.
As we pulled up at the place my mum lives, I turn to look at Brad. 'Are you sure? You haven't been here in months after what happened'
I nod and exit the car.
Using my keys I still had I walk into the house, the place I once called home. But now meant nothing. As I entered I call for my mum. She quickly answers as I head to the kitchen where I find her sat at the counter. I instantly look at her feeling angry, angrier then I have ever felt.
'Where the hell was you? I begin to shout
'Maddison do not raise you voice at me. Calm down and we can talk about this'
Had she not realised what she had done? Stupid bitch.
'No. You weren't there. I needed you there and you weren't there. What kind of mother are you?'
'Why would I be there? I didn't love him'
So let me catch you up. Everything was going great. I was happy living with Brad. Nat and Tris were and still are doing great caring for Jessie as her parents are still no where to be seen. Abby and James are stronger then ever and Con.... Well Con was still single and crazy. That all changed 6 months ago. When my mother decided to get remarried to a complete dick. Dave. He basically told my mum to pick between us and she picked him. I haven't really seen her since and it hurt but I didn't care. That was until 3 weeks ago. I got a knock on the door and when I opened the door I saw the police.
*3weeks ago*
'Maddison Horn?'
'Yeah that's me, can I help you officers?'
'Are we able to come in please?'
Confused I let them in. I sit with Brad on the sofa.
'Maddison, we are very regretfully having to inform you of an accident involving your father, Richard Horn.'
I gasp interrupting them with all the questions that entered my head.
'Whats happened? Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay? Where is her? What's happ...'
They interrupt me, shutting me up.
'We are so sorry to have to tell you that your father was involved in a car accident, the doctors tried all they could but it was too late. He passed away Friday the 21st April at 2:34pm'
I felt the tears in my eyes. I look to Brad and then back to the officers that had now stood up.
'We are sorry. A support officer will be around shortly to give you all information that you require' they quickly walked out and shut the door.
I froze. What do I do? How do I react to being told my dad is dead? Dead. What?!
Approximately 10 minutes after the officers left there was another knock, in came a very young looking lady in her twenties. She sat and spoke to me about everything I would need to know. But I just sat there motionless. In shock. I felt paralysed.
When telling my mother she said she would come to the funeral as I said that I needed her. Although she left me to plan the funeral. Everything on my own, but I was just relieved she was coming to show she still cares for him and me. Brad helped me every step of the way, he's been incredible. He gives me the strength to wake up in the morning .
The day of the funeral arrived. We all wore the normal black you wear to a funeral. Although everyone that went had to have a red rose. It was his favourite and he always had one on his suit. Everyone that went wore a rose on their suit or dress. It was truly memorable. As everyone left I placed a rose on his coffin before leaving and heading to my mothers.

All caught up, let's continue.
'You might not have loved him anymore but you used to and you are suppose to love me. But you still didn't come'
'I do love you, I didn't want to go. I didn't love him and I didn't want to be there. It doesn't matter anyway he won't know will he. He's dead.'
As she said it her eyes widen as if she regretted it instantly. Anger filled my body and then Dave walked in.
'What the hell are you doing here? You brat' he shouts as he sets eyes on me. I ignored him. I began to shout from the anger and fear as I knew Dave wouldn't care much if he hurt me. But the words came out before I could stop them.
'Well I don't love you. How could I love someone so heartless?! I needed you and you let me down just like you always do. You took me away from my home and then when you got bored of my dad you decided to move back. I missed the last months of my dad's life. I will never get then months back, I will never see his smile, hear his voice or laugh again. You took that away from me. I am left here in pain, feeling just so much pain But yeah your right he won't know he's not here but I know and I will remember when you die to not go because you won't know the difference anyway. I'm done with you. This was your last chance to show you still had some heart. But I guess now. Your not my mother and you never will be again'
As I stopped, taking a breath. I saw her stand there motionless as I turn and began to walk out of the house. Stopping in front of Dave, and turning. 'Have fun with this jerk, I'm sure you will have a great time while he controls you' harsh I know but I was angry
He began to get this crazy look in his eyes, they went wide eyes and red, his hands into fists. I began to shake as I walked out the house. I could hear him running after me. I began to run. Run as fast as I could back to Brad's.
I reach his door, still unsure of whether Dave was following me or not. I bang on the door hoping he wasn't having a bath or sleep like he had said.
I turn to see Dave, just as Brad answers the door. I run inside, he looks confused and then sees Dave charging at the door. Brad quickly slams the door, locking it. Before turning to me seeing me on the floor.
'Mads? MADS. Look at me. Breath'

Owwww cliff hanger!!! Next chapter I will dedicate to someone if they comment something I like!

What's happened to Maddie?

So much has happened so just so your aware her dad has died and she hates her mother and Dave as they are both so vile to her. She's struggling to deal with the hatred and sadness she is feeling and brads unsure of how to help! Wow chapter and a half!

So please share vote and comment. Whats happened to Maddie??

What will happen next???

Love will rememberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن