Ben Solo ~ Peaceful

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My heart was beating out of my chest as my stomach crumbled in pain. "Ben!" I called out.

He came quickly running from the living room and into our bedroom. "What is it (y/n)?"

"The baby."

He smiled down at me. "Is it time?"

I nodded slowly.

He grabbed a small bag from the dresser and lifted me into his arms carefully. He set a kiss on my head and walked us through our house and to the landing pad where he set me in a speeder with the bag and ran back into the house where our droid was. I couldn't make out what Ben had said to the droid but he came running back to the speeder and quickly got us in the air, he sped us to the hospital as quickly as possible and I held my oversized tummy in pain. "Hold on (y/n), we're almost there."

I remained silent, afraid to speak.


Ben had landed the ship and quickly gotten me out of the speeder. He ran inside with me tucked in his arms. He looked at the doctor and she smiled at him. "We got the call from your droid sir, right this way."

I took in a deep breath and scrunched my eyes shut as another contraction flowed threw my body. "Ben," I whispered.

"I'm here, it's ok."

Ben set me down gently on the hospital bed and he grabbed my hand immediately. The doctor scanned my body and it projected above me. "Well Mrs. Solo, it would appear you are ready to deliver your babies."

My heart froze, "Babies?" I whispered.

Ben smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. "Twins?" He asked.

"Twins," The doctor confirmed. My heart had stopped and I took in a deep breath.

"I'm here (y/n),"

"You better be." I groaned.

"I need you to push, (y/n)." I did as I was told and a wave of pain and relief flowed threw my body. "There's the head."

Ben smiled back up at me, "You're doing great sweetheart." I squeezed his hand so hard and pushed again. I heard a sweet cry.

I shut my eyes and let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in. "It's a girl." The doctor said causing me to smile.

"Halfway done (y/n). You can do this, my love."

I pushed as hard as I could and whipped my head to the side. I was exhausted and I heard another cry, "You had two healthy baby girls!"

I let out another deep breath. "Ben," I opened my eyes slightly.

"I'm here."

"I hate you,"

He smiled down at me and he helped me sit up. "I know you do." He kissed my cheek and turned away from me for a brief moment. "This is the oldest." He smiled handing me our oldest daughter. "And this is the youngest." He spoke handing me our youngest daughter. Both were wrapped in light pink blankets, and the youngest was asleep while the oldest looked up at me with bright brown eyes, just like her father's.

"I think we should name the oldest, (Oldest daughter's name)," I said with a smile.

"I like that." Ben smiled. "What do you think of (Youngest daughter's name) for the youngest?"

"I think that will suit her nicely."

Ben smiled and set a short and sweet kiss on my lips. I was falling in love with my baby girls and I could I ready tell that Ben was wrapped around their fingers.

"We are going to be a good family," Ben whispered.

I nodded in agreement, "A perfect family."

I looked down at my daughters that were sleeping. Everything in that moment was so peaceful...

622 words this chapter and I hope y'all enjoy the book so far. Requests are open! If you have any ideas for the following;

Anakin Skywalker

Darth Vader

Suitless Darth Vader

Kylo Ren

Ben Solo

If you have any requests I'd be happy to write about them. Hope you have an amazing day! Love you guys!

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