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Alexis pulled up outside the school. She smiled slightly knowing why she had come back. For a job. She knew that being back in Hollyoaks village would make everything reappear. But she was glad to be back.

Alexis got out the car and sighed. "Lex?"

Alexis turned to see Sinead. She smiled slightly. "Hey. How's my pregnant sister?" She asked as hugged her.

"Tired. Mr Blake wants to see mum."

Alexis frowned. "What about?" She asked.

"I'll let mum explain. What are you doing here?" Sinead asked.

Alexis smiled slightly. "I'm applying for a new job. At the college."

Sinead paled drastically and Alexis noticed. "What's up with you?"

Sinead shook her head. "You can't work at the college."

Alexis rolled her eyes and looked at Sinead. "I think you'll find I can. I'm having my interview there soon," she said.


Alexis arrived at the college. She smiled as she remembered being a student here herself. Before she left to make something of her life and she couldn't wait.

Alexis walked inside and smiled. "Hi. Could you show me where Mr Blake's office is please? I'm here for the interview," she said.

One of the teachers nodded. "I'm John-Paul."

"Alexis O'Connor. But call me Lexi."

John-Paul turned to her. "Are you related to Sinead O'Connor?" He asked as he held a door open for her.

Alexis nodded. "Yeah. She's my sister. Well one of them. Is she okay?"

John-Paul sighed. "I'll let Mr Blake fill you in."


Alexis walked into the office. Patrick smiled. "Hello Lexi."

"Mr Blake. Good to see you again," Alexis said as she sat down. She sighed. "What's happened with my sister?" She asked.

Patrick sighed. "Your sister along with another pupil bullied a student to the point where she attempted suicide. She's in hospital right now fighting for her life after a liver transplant."

Alexis was shocked. "This job. Head of student welfare. Is this in relation to that?" She asked.

Patrick nodded. "There was someone in for consideration. But due to events, that's not possible."



Alexis had gotten the job. She made her way back to her old house where her family lived. She rang the doorbell and smiled when she saw Diane. "Where the hell is Sinead?"


Alexis looked at Sinead. "You bullied someone?! You caused someone to attempt suicide! What kind of person are you?!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry."

Alexis scoffed. "Sorry won't even cover what you did to Esther! Why? Why did you do it?" She asked.

Sinead scoffed. "Everyone is always worried about what Esther wants. She tried to ruin my life. She's the reason my friends are dead!"

"No! The reason that happened because you were an idiot and stole a minivan! You're an idiot!"

Diane looked at Alexis. "How do you know about all this?" She asked.

Aimee sighed. "I've got a job. At the college. Head of Student Welfare."

"That was my job. Well I thought it would have been."

Alexis rolled her eyes. "Well considering what she did, it's wise you didn't get the job! You're an idiot Sinead and I hope to God you see the error of your ways before your baby comes," she said as she walked out.

Alexis sighed. She knew coming back to the village wouldn't be easy. But would things work out for the best?

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