"Dammit think Nikolai think!" Persia said.

"Woman I am trying but you keep nagging me!" He seethed.

"I'm hungry." Luca said to me. Typical Luca.

"What do you wanna eat?" I asked him. Anything to get away from the torture that is Nic and Persia fighting.

"A muffin would be great right now. Ouuu with chocolate filling." He smiled.

"You are too obsessed with chocolate and everything sweet." I told him.

"In a world where everything is sour and salty, I need something sweet." He said and then he licked my cheek. He freaking licked me!

"Eww what is wrong with you!" I cleaned my face with my sleeve.

"I told you I wanted a
muffin. Hmm you taste like strawberries. And a hint of Raspberry. Ouuu I love raspberries. You're like a berry blast!" He smiled excitedly.


Yes yes yes.

I give in. I like him, a lot. I still can't believe he is my mate.

"You're such a weirdo." I said.

"Yeah and you like it a lot." He said. I stared into his hazel eyes. They seemed to gt brighter every time I looked at them. Gosh he is amazing!

I felt myself leaning into him and so did he. I bit my lip in anticipation and his eyes narrowed on that action. They seemed to get brighter with lust. His plump lips looked juicier than ever. I imagine what they feel like on mine. I could almost tas-

"Guys its been ten minutes!" Charlie said. Luca and I moved away from each other. Damnit Charlie! I was so close.

"The bomb was supposed to blow up five minutes ago." Roman said.

"What the hell is going on? Shit!-" Tessa's voice got interrupted. The mics turned off with a loud wail.

I took it out before it could burst my ear drum. Damn what was that?

"Something is very wrong." Sydney said.

"We've been disconnected from them. They're in trouble. We have to get out of here." Charlie said. We went back to the throne room.

On the three thrones sat the royals. Guards were stationed around them pointing their guns at us. I turned around and found more guards aiming at us. In the middle of throne room sat Tessa and Angela. We were surrounded. We walked right into their trap. It's like they knew we were coming.

"Welcome. My oh my its been a century since I last saw you." The woman with red hair and eyes said. She looked stunning.

"Hello Queen Bitch, Lady Slut, Lord man whore." Angela said. They must go way back. These are the people Ronnie and Jack have been trying to keep me away from for years.

"You dirty slut." Lady Whore said to Angela.

"Enough!" Queen Bitch who by her title I assume is Queen Elysia. She is powerful. I can feel her power radiate in waves in this room. She doesn't intimidate me as much as I thought.

"Ryan Montgomery. You've grown so much. I remember when you were just a day old. It's a shame your mother didn't want to keep you. You and I would've had so much fun together." She said to me.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"I forgot you don't know that part of the story. That doesn't matter as much darling. Wow! You're stronger than I expected. You haven't even shifted yet." She said.

I looked around and noticed everyone was fighting the urge to bow down to her. It was then that I realised that she was emitting her dominance. I could barely feel it.

"This is gonna be really fun. I have a gift for all of you. Especially you Ryan." She smiled deviously.

"What are you on about?" Tessa growled.

"Hello family." A voice was heard from behind us.

I turned and was faced with non other than Jade Montgomery.

My freaking mother.

"Ryan baby girl. I've missed you. Let's catch up shall we."

Holy mother of molly that's my mum.


10 or less chapters left of Curse.

Happy new year!🎊🎊✨

Shits about to go down.

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