(26) Happy Birthday

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Hoseok-hyung said you should come to our concerts, but I thought you can't just spontaneously fly to Japan and back on a weekend. Still, the point is, they like you a lot the way you are, so be who you are, not who you think you should be."


A few days later, Jimin, Jin, Jungkook, and Hoseok were out on the streets of Fukuoka, the place where they'd be wrapping up their wake-up-Japan-tour with one last show. It was their birthday present for Hobi to go shopping there with him and since that was today, they were let go for a few hours to explore the city. Naturally, Yoongi had decided to stay at the hotel and since Namjoon was working on his remix and Taehyung wanted to rehearse for their last concert the next day, they ended up going as four. It didn't tire Hoseok's cheerful mood at all though because he knew that once they were back, there would be a surprise party at his hotel room with dinner for everyone. The boys weren't the best at planning something he shouldn't know of. What made him even happier was that Seokjin had successfully convinced their staff to get some coffee and not follow them around too much. The members all were positive that they wouldn't be recognized when there was no security with them and they didn't have too many obsessed fans anyways so even if, it wouldn't be a problem. He wasn't that fond of being accompanied by security people all the time and after a bit of 'please' and 'but it's his birthday' they were allowed to go on their own.

When they entered the gigantic mall, he couldn't help but smile happily. He'd dreamed about coming here and now it was finally reality! Bangtan was wonderful for giving him this gift and childhood dream. Spontaneously, he fell into Seokjin's arms and clutched him to his chest. "Thanks you guys! Thank you so much!", he squealed, trying to keep it down a little to avoid attention.
"Aish you're such a baby.", the oldest commented on his behaviour, patiently waiting until he was let go again and Hobi lifted his chin proudly. To him, that was nothing else but a compliment.
"Hyungs, look at all these stores!", the maknae shouted to them. He'd already walked ahead, looking around at whatever awesome things he could find. Jimin was by his side immediately and together they adored the variety of products in the windows.
"Happy Birthday, Hoseok-ah!", Jin congratulated him with a huge grin on his face. He seemed to be immensely happy that the other liked his present.
"Let's go then!", he added, interrupting the younger in his try to thank him once again, and confidently walked over to the others.

A while later - they had decided to split up since Jungkook and Jimin were not that interested in purses - the two of them were strolling through the sport-section of a shoe-store. Apparently, Jungkook was thinking about buying a pair of heavy, black pumas, but Jimin couldn't really know since - for some reason - the younger barely talked to him. It kind of ruined his happy mood from before and he didn't stop thinking about what he might have done wrong. It wasn't like the other was ignoring him or trying to make him feel guilty, Jimin just noticed that he was less talkative than normally and adding to that, he didn't look at his eyes directly. Now that he thought about it, the black-haired had avoided the two of them being alone together for quite some time now. When they left the store - the boy had chosen to leave the pair and rather buy it back in Seoul - he was about to confront him about what was bothering him when suddenly the theft-alarm went off making both freeze immediately. The brunette stared at the other shocked and only saw a mirror if his emotions. He seemed to be just as confused as him. Then, he took off his backpack and strangely found it open. Jimin walked closer to him to see what it was since he didn't have a bag of his own, but he was bumped to the floor by a hooded figure that then tried to take the backpack from Jungkook, showing a pair of white sneakers that was stuffed inside. Much to Jimin's surprise, the younger was able to win the fight and pushed the guy away who then turned and ran from the scene.
"Hyung, are you alright?", Jungkook asked, his voice a pitch higher than usual because of his concern.
"Yeah, I-"
He was interrupted by the owner of the shoe-store and two policemen that roughly pulled him to his feet, holding his arms behind him.

As they sat at the police station, there was again this awkward silence between them. Jimin was upset. He was really upset. They'd actually been arrested for theft even though they were obviously framed here. This guy, whoever it was, had sneaked the shoes in Jungkook's backpack to then take it from him outside the shop. He'd get away and they'd be the thieves since they were the ones 'taking' it from the store. Now that plan almost even worked with the small difference that he didn't make it to take the backpack from Jungkook and now he and Jimin had actually still had the shoes making them look even more guilty. This was messed up. He couldn't even believe it was happening to him, it just felt surreal. And apparently, Jungkook still didn't want to talk to him properly. Every time he tried making him speak up, he'd give polite but short answers, not really getting the conversation going. It was tiring. Apart from that though there was a small problem since Seokjin and Hoseok didn't have any idea where they were and since they were now in custody, they weren't allowed to talk to anyone from the outside until the paperwork was done, and they'd be questioned.

Jungkook, who was sitting across the small room, was staring at the wall, his eyes wide open and a frown on his face. Jimin knew that he was feeling bad about what happened, of course, he did. But when he wouldn't stop glaring at the wall with his cold expression and chewing his bottom-lip off, he decided to speak up.
"Jungkook-ssi....", he began a little quiet, but he knew that the other could understand him.
"... are you okay?"
Now, the black-haired blinked and moved his eyes to the older, staring at his face.
"How did this happen?", he whispered after a few seconds. He ignored the question immediately and kept talking: "I mean, why? I swear I let it out of sight for maybe a minute and... This isn't fair."
"No, it's not, but there's nothing you could have done. Things like this happen, it's not your fault.", he tried to comfort him a little, but it didn't seem to work.
"I've never been arrested before. Never. What if I go to prison? But I'm innocent, we're innocent. Oh god, they arrested both of us, we'll both be locked up for years. What happens to Bangtan? I didn't steal anything. I'd never. Especially not white sneakers, I mean seriously-"
"Jungkook-ah!", Jimin interrupted his waterfall of rambling. This didn't make any sense. They shouldn't drive themselves crazy with what happened.
"Please, calm down, alright? First of all, they'll question us. Then, we can tell them what happened, that this guy framed you to then steal the shoes from your backpack. They must have camera-footage there somewhere, it'll prove that we didn't do anything so don't freak out about this now."

The maknae nodded, still insecure about the situation, but Jimin could see how his muscles relaxed a little.
"That's not the only reason you're upset though, right?", he asked carefully after some silent moments. He wanted to know what was going on and if they were going to sit in here for longer, they might as well clear some things up. Jungkook looked up from the ground again and blushed when he saw how Jimin was watching him.
"I...", he started, but looked away quickly, not telling him what he wanted to say.
"You've been avoiding me. Why?"
While speaking these words, something clicked inside the older's head and he closed his eyes in realization.
"You've been avoiding me ever since our holiday.", he groaned and covered his face with his hand for a second.
"Look, Jungkook-ssi, let me apologize, please! I haven't talked to you about this at all, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it, it just happened. I swear this was an accident. I'm really sorry. I didn't even have the right to think about it, it's none of my business anyway.", he tried to be as sincere as possible and luckily, Jungkook lifted his hands to stop him from talking.
"Hyung, I'm not really mad at you for that. I know you never meant to tell him without talking to me."
He sounded too weak and sick of the topic, but Jimin was relieved that he wasn't angry with him. What was bothering him then, though?
"The problem is that... I don't even know if it's true. How can you be so certain that's what's happening with me? When we first talked about it, your first guess was that I'd fallen for V-hyung, but I don't even know about that. I don't think that this is the truth so why would you just say that?"
Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. So that was what's going on. He had to admit, it was kind of cute watching how in denial he was. To Jimin, it was quite obvious that Jungkook was in love, but he didn't agree with him. Most likely because he'd never been in love before and therefore didn't know what it was like.
"How do you know you like someone?", Jungkook then asked and Jimin lifted his eyebrow. He had not expected that kind of question.
"I think that is different for everyone. It took me really long to notice and then accept, too.", he said and then quickly covered his mouth when he realized what he just said.

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