"To Manchester we go." Louis says and I smile. I'm already having so much fun, and it's only been 3 days. It really is surreal.


"Let's go, we gotta sound check. We have no time before people start getting let in. Come on!" Harry says as we go to get our passes.

"Calm down curly." Louis says and we all laugh. (A/N If you get that reference, I love you a lot.)

We enter the arena and the boys go to the stage. The girls and I sit in the front row and Ash starts playing the drums to make sure they are all working and not broken. Next, Mikey and Luke do a little guitar duet together and Calum joins in.

Eventually, Ash starts and they play their opening song, 18. The guitar starts going and I hum along to the tune. They start singing and I keep humming along. They seem satisfied so they stop playing and put down their instruments.

Next, my brother gets on stage with a box of microphones. The rest of the boys walk on and take theirs. They have tape at the bottom of each one to indicate which mic goes to who. Niall has a little Irish flag taped, Liam's got red, Zayn has yellow, Louis with blue, and Harry with green.

They sing Up All Night and then everyone leaves, except for Niall and I.

I hop onto the stage and Niall picks up his acoustic guitar that I got him. He starts tuning it and strumming the chords to their song, Moments.

"Shut the door, turn the light off." Niall sings under his breath. Then, the chorus comes and Niall stops singing. As he keeps strumming the chords, I take Liam's mic from the box. I turn it on and start singing.

"You know I'll be, your light, your voice, your reason to be my love. My heart is beating for this moment in time I'll find the words to say, before you leave me today." I sing. I don't even care if Niall is listening or not. I just sing and don't hold back.

He stops playing and puts the guitar back on the stand. I turn the microphone off and put it back in the plastic box backstage. Then, we both meet in the middle of the stage.

"Addie, I've never heard you sing before. It was amazing." Niall says to me. His height is making him tower over me and I stand on his feet to kiss him.

"Thanks." I say once I pull away. I step off of his feet and we go back to the bus, hand in hand.


"We are almost done with our set but, I want to call someone special on to sing our next song with us." Niall says into his mic.

"I'm inviting my girlfriend Addie Payne to sing Moments with us." he says and gives his mic to Harry. He looks to the left and spots me, holding out the mic to me. Niall comes back on stage with a body mic taped to the side of his face. He picks up the guitar and I walk out onto the stage.

I hear lots of cheering when I take the mic and Niall starts playing. I sit down on the stool that they put out for me and I end up sitting between Liam and Zayn. The boys do their opening solos and I join in on the chorus.

"You know I'll be, your light, your voice, your reason to be my love. My heart-" then, I feel something hot hit my thigh. I look down and burning my bare skin is a lit match.

My heart drops as I think, It's happening again. Their fans hate me.

With a yelp, I hop up and the match drops to the floor. I quickly step on it so nothing else lights on fire.

"Addie?" is all I hear and the guitar stops. My leg is burned pretty badly and I can't think straight. I look back down at it and the pain hits me like a ton of bricks.

I start crying a little letting out little "ow"s as I limp off the stage Niall comes running to me and helping me walk as I hear, "This concert is over. I hope you accomplished what you wanted to. Goodnight Manchester."

Niall picks me up bridal style and runs back to the bus. Right after he puts me down on the bench, the rest of the boys and both girls come running in from outside.

"What happened?" Ed asks.

"We'll explain later just drive far away from here." Liam says between gritted teeth. All the boys are running around the bus looking for something to help my burn. I stopped crying but the pain remains.

Niall comes back with a piece of ice and Harry with tissues. I lay the ice on the burn and wipe my running makeup off with a tissue.

"Thanks guys. I'm sorry that happened I didn't think that I-"

"Addie! You don't need to apologize for getting burned with a match that one of the fans threw. It wasn't your fault and you had no control over it. Why are you apologizing?" Niall asks.

"Because your fans don't like me so they had to make you stop the concert. I know you love performing and I had to ruin that for you."

"You didn't ruin anything. It was my idea to stop the concert. I mean, yeah, we love performing but we have plenty of concerts to play. Don't worry about us." Liam says.

"Thanks for helping me." I mumble.

"Of course. What were we gonna do? Leave you to burn?" Harry laughs. I crack a smile, too.

"Hey! She's smiling!" Niall says and sits next to me. He takes the ice off of my leg and throws it out of the open window.

"Feel better?" Niall takes my hand and asks me. I nod and he kisses my cheek.

"Good." he smiles and picks me up again.

"Niall, I can walk." I laugh as he sets me on the little couch in the lounge where everyone else sits.

"I know. I just don't want it to hurt you." he says and sits next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder and everyone starts to talk.

We end up talking until three in the morning. We finally decide to get to sleep.

"You don't have anything to do early in the morning, right?" Cassandra asks.

"No. We can basically sleep until the concert starts." Liam laughs.

"Good." she says and climbs into her bunk. I do the same and Niall kisses me goodnight.

I close my shade and fall asleep instantly.


I'M SORRY FOR DOING THAT TO YOU GUYS! It looks like Addie is starting a little rivalry with the fans *wink wink*. But seriously, I love you guys and I hope you have a fantabulous day! (ew fantabulous...)

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