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I'm in my car on my way to meet Samantha for our dinner date when my phone starts to ring. I have to admit our plan for her to win my date was genius, I hate when they make us prance around on the stage but as I've been told on many an occasion I need to have my face against as many good deeds as possible to make up for all the fights I'm in on the field and off unfortunately. "Hey, I'm on my way" I tell her as soon as I answer. She's use to me being late but I'm actually nearly on time for once tonight.

"Hi to you too" she laughs but doesn't seem angry which is a good sign with women. "I'm actually calling to take a raincheck" she says sheepishly, "aw man, I really wanted their fillet steak and creamed cabbage" I tell her actually pouting. The knowledge that this was a friendly dinner date without any pressure of anything happening between us, no way was I crossing the professional boundaries no matter how hot she is, had me excited for tonight and my stomach rumbling. "Well theirs good news then" she says happily. "Do you remember my bestie Skye I've told you about?" She asks and I have to wrack my brain to try and remember if she's spoken to me about a Skye before "Is that your friend who designs clothes and is the hot model with legs for days" I ask remembering she brought a girl to one of her company parties. "Derrick" she scolds oh shit! "No, that's my other bestie Scarlett and she does have legs for days and amazing tits  so I will let you away with that comment but don't do it again" she tells me and although their humour in her words I don't dare laugh. She's a lovely woman but I've seen her bring a grown man to his knees before with her tongue and not in a good way.

"Well then, I don't think I do" I tell her honestly. "She's only lived in New York for the last two years but she's amazing. Anyway, she's going to stand in for me tonight if you still want to get your steak?" She tells me and I can hear the slight apprehension in her voice as she tells me this. "I promise she isn't a stalker and will not be a stage five clinger, she's a bit shy but has an amazing personality and quick wit and is beautiful!" She tells me and I can hear the smile in her voice as she gives me all the positives to say yes. I mean I'm not the type of guy to shy away from anything and I've been on many a date, I just wasn't expecting to be on one tonight. "You're lucky I wore a nice suit" I tell her jokingly. "And we all know I like hot woman" I tell her pulling over in front of the restaurant.

"She isn't like your usual women, and I use that term loosely, she's actually got class and standards Derrick" she tells me and I can't tell if she's joking or being serious. "Hey, there's been classy girls in there" I defend, grabbing my wallet and jacket. "Well they must be buried deep under the pile of groupies then" she says with a scoff and I roll my eyes. "Hey I can't help that the ladies love me" I say continuing to wind her up. "Love my ass! More like after your money and fame" she says seriously and we both know that's the truth which makes me  clear my head of nonsense and I feel my guard going up. "You don't need to tell me Samantha" I tell her a little bit more harshly than I intended. "Hey, I'm sorry, I know that was hard for you. I shouldn't have made a comment like that, it was insensitive of me. I promise you, Skye isn't like that,I wouldn't introduce you to someone who could hurt you like that again" she tells me apologetically and I know it's sincere. "I know you wouldn't." I tel her truthfully because she was there throughout it all and wouldn't do anything to hurt me. "Okay, so she is okay with having dinner with me and isn't a clinger that's got to be a good start" I say with a laugh trying to not let myself shut down, handing my keys to the valet heading for the front door. "Well here's the thing... She doesn't know it's dinner with you" she says laughing. "You owe me Samantha" I tell her rubbing the back of my neck as I wait in the queue for the elevator trying to keep my head down to not draw too much attention. "Hey, you never know, you might be owing me" she says with a laugh. "Do not be a prick and have a good night. Oh, and remind Skye the food is already paid for or she won't order what she really wants!" She says quickly and hangs up leaving me to walk into the elevator wondering what the hell I've got myself into.

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