Corpse Party Hetalia ● Chapter 15: Its Time, Goodbye.

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I added a Song, while it goes on, You can read.
But there might be extra chapters for a better Meaning of the CPH.

Continues: (0:00)
>Still continues, Kiku with karea in running away from the darkness, lucia with Sakura that were chased by the evil ghost who block them with walls, Those 2 young ladies have made it, passed broken hallways, shards of glass, spiders, alien creatures that are peach, then to the same room where Kiku and karea was, they were finally down at the underground,that also been stalk (ed) by Ryouwe and Yukeda as in the last page Tomika died from the darkness as her soul is eaten. But as it was furthur too late for those protangonist or main char. , Swefelia was killed by the principal, He hold the neck of her on seeing her hanging as the drips of blood and the stab of a knife that was inside her mouth... He dropped the girl down. The four people stood there, It went faster as it was, the room flashed 2 times and it because documentaries all over, Kiku was truly Confused and the others, none dosent know why.




Shh... For the first time that me and all of us crew are in this place and it starts to get even scarier, Tell the truth here, And not even a slight of Lies from your game!

>Kiku Was confused, to dead bodies and that he is seeing he tries to ask the principal in letting them understand the truth or why they have taken them here for a schoolkill, the principal obliged to see what he can anwser for.


Im Terribly sorry, *bows*

But i need more souls to complete my task in returning this school to its original form, *smirks* And to take my revenge for sure.


Why cant you just send us back home instead of killing us all? The people who are here before and us now we dident do anything, its your fault that you were over sided to Swemelias mother.

>The principals eyes made a eye contact on Sakura, sakura hid herself from him and he turned back to his conversation.


This is getting Boring kiku.


Oh, i guess we ran out of our entertainers for today.


Please, just release us.  We are not trying to be arrogant here or what so ever.

>Lucia gave her expression to The principal, nothing happend.


Oh yes the portal? Too late. The girl is killed and so is the Ghost who is holding with the scissors, thas why she had gone disappeared, and you dident see her. *breaks neck* Hmph...


Bug brother are did we fail?



>Kiku closed his eyes and looked down, the others were staring at the principal as He was smiling that noone will ever survive. Then Prussia ran in and fell in. The darkness is on the hallways and Reaching into the Underground room,

Kiku Shaken The principal, but still denied with a happy face and the darkness is the only way to end their lives he said. I Dont want This s*** anymore! Kiku Started to panic withfear inside of him and that surrounds him, with the darkness that Went stronger, he reclaims the darkening inside his soul and was uncontrollable. Then with Swefelias Last teardrop it made a portal on the Ground and she disappeared. She said "Its already too late, i afraid that i am already dead and could not bring back your friends. For all of this that you seek in your mind i just knew it was going to happen, Now my power is gone and the portal is the only left i have, be free like the rest of the humans in the world and forget about this place... its the School of the forgotten... *hic* *sobs while fading away*" and then poof, gone.

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