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The chill throughout the house tickled the bottom of her feet. She slid closer tugging at the covers at which Anna was busy hogging in her sleep. Without success she placed the remaining covers over her sister's body and quietly slipped out of bed. The morning sun caught her blue eyes in the sun as she peered over the landscape of her kingdom. It had been fairly warm the past few days of December much like a winter she recalled when she was a child. A father and child sang as they crossed the courtyard over to where Kristoff was working with Olaf. The entire village experienced the peak of excitement this time of year. Although Elsa was slightly reluctant to take part in a few of the traditions, over time she felt at peace with introducing new ones.

The sound of the clock struck her by surprise from behind her. She was late. Again.

After jogging back to her room to find Anna still asleep, she grabbed her long winter coat hanging from the door and shut the door behind her gently. The long halls in the castle dragged on forever while in the meantime attempting to fix her long braid from behind. Making it past a few of the guards who didn't question her leaving, she proceeded to walk quickly to the edge of the village near the entrance of the forest. Catching up with her breath she peered into the still forest filled with fresh snow. She could tell he had already been here.

"Evening milady," The boy with a smirk and snowflakes on his tips emerged from behind a tree. She blushed. "Jack you know better than to scare me like that." She walked closer bringing her arms to his shoulders.

"Well I didn't want to ruin the surprise!" he chuckled then gestured to the piles of snow laid on the ground. "I know you don't really like the cold buuutt," he winked and placed small kiss on her cheek.

She returned the favor with a more passionate kiss, and the warmth inside them grew. They stood for a few minutes enjoying the presence of one another, exploring a little more of unknown territory.

"Hey, hey easy now, I have to look presentable today," she pulled away from his lips and shot puppy dog eyes.

Jack groaned. "I'm sorry, it's just we don't get to see each other as often as we used to. Besides isn't the thing at like 7pm?"

"Well yes but I have more preparation to do. There's a lot I haven't done like practice my speech, help Anna with her dress, talk to Olaf and Sven..." she sheepishly looked back into the village.

He looked perplexed and reached down to grab her cold pale hands in his. "Elsa don't worry I understand. We'll find more time. Let's meet tonight around 11?" he questioned.

She shrugged and closed her eyes. "I want to, but- they haven't met you yet, Anna has no idea about you..."

Jack rubbed her back in comfort then planted a small kiss on her forehead. "I'll take the back entrance again okay?"

She nodded. "Alright well I'll see you tonight," Elsa turned to leave before rushing back to Jack for one more passionate kiss.

"That's for not making up for last time." She giggled then ran from inside the forest.


After a long exhausting day of queen duties, she finally cuddled in her blanket and practiced making snow flurries around the room. A small flake danced in the air catching a draft from the wind of the window. Two feet banged on the edge and the slim boy tumbled in backward onto the floor. Elsa shot Jack a look.

"You were supposed to be quiet!" she harshly whispered and jumped out of bed.

He stood up shaking his hair from snow. "I know it's just landing with this wind is hard!"

She sighed and they met each other with a kiss. Her hands felt around beneath his shirt, his torso shivering in response while his fingers met the hems of her shirt. The passion of their lips growing stronger as he leaned in to kiss her neck and shoulders.

"Promise me you'll be quiet Mr." she gave him a pleading but stern look.

"I promise my queen," he teased and proceeded to work off the remaining clothes they were wearing. She rolled her eyes but was met with the spark growing within her.

After a pleasurable hour she cuddled beside him tracing his ribs down the side. He kissed her forehead and scooted her closer to his side. Her sparkling blue eyes met his in response.

"Hey," she whispered.


He rubbed the side of her stomach then down by her thigh. The sounds of their breathing filled the quiet room of hers.

"Can, can I ask you something?" he paused waiting for her response.

"Yes of course."

"Are- you afraid to introduce me to your family?"

She paused and immediately looked to the bed sheets. This was a conversation she knew was coming but never tried to create the courage to ask.

"Well no, it's just as queen there are a lot of things to get done and with our relationship it can be a big distraction to the tasks that need to be fulfilled and my attention and-"

He cut her off. "So, you're saying I'm too distracting for you?" he gave her a lifted eyebrow.

"No but I want to find the time for more than just nights together. Right now, there isn't a lot of time during the day."

"Not that I want to burst your bubble but, as much as I love spending countless nights with the queen of Arendelle, I want to move forward. With this, with us,"

The plead in his eyes made her weak. She truly did like Jack a lot a lot. But accepting him as more than just a fling frightened her. Of course, deep down there was potential and love for him- but verbalizing any of it was the last on her mind.

"Oh my god I think I figured it out, the queen of the north just uses me for sex. I knew it all along!" he playfully facepalmed and tickled her sides.

"Hey!" she laughed. "That statement is incorrect I do not just use you for sex, I just...haven't been courting anyone before. Anna has always been the more outgoing one and has a way with men. I just don't really know what I'm doing or how to go about things."

"Elsa, I know it seems scary and like taking a shot in the dark but come on you know I really care about you and want to be with you. But I respect if you want to take things slow especially with your family."

The giddiness of a new and first relationship excited her. Beyond what the future held she was content with focusing on the now. Though granted it wasn't settled how they'd explain the king of the cold and the queen of the ice came to be a couple. But she was willing to wait it out.

"Well...then let's start something new."

"Those are words I thought you'd never say." 

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