Chapter 9: Answers and Confessions

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Sunset sprinted through town making her way towards your house in hopes of finding you and figuring out why you acted the way you did when you ran away. She makes her way to your house and bangs on your door. She waited for a moment before your mother answers the door. Thankfully, you introduced Sunset to your parents some time ago so she didn't have to go through with introductions.

"Sunset? How can I help you?" Your mom asked.

"Hi Mrs. Mous. I'm sorry if I sound rude or anything but I'm in a hurry right now. Is Anon home by any chance?" Sunset asked hoping that you were here. Unfortunately, your mother shook her head.

"I'm sorry but he's not here. Wasn't he supposed to be with you today?" She started sounding worried. Sunset proceeded to tell her what happened which your mom gasped at.

"Oh no, I was afraid of this happening." Your mom said which confused Sunset.

"What are you talking about?" She questioned. Your mom looked back at her before walking up to her and putting her hands on Sunsets shoulders.

"Look Sunset honey, from what you've described, Anon is not in a stable condition right now! We need to find him before he does something drastic!" Your mom said frantically. Sunset wanted to know what was going on but understood the severity of the situation. "You need to go get your friends and anyone else you know to go out and look for him! I'm gonna go get my husband and we'll both go search together! Got it?!" Sunset nodded to her demand before sprinting out the door while calling her friends to meet her in front of the school.


Sunset waited in front of the school for a few minutes before the rest of the Rainbooms came running up to her.

"We got the text Sunset! What's going on?" Twilight asked.

"It's Anon, he's missing!" Sunset said which made the girls gasp.

"Nonnys missing?! What happened?!" Pinkie questioned her. Sunset told them what happened which made them very worried for your wellbeing.

"We've gotta find him! He should be somewhere here or in the city!" Rainbow Dash said before Sunset proposed a plan.

"Here's what we'll do: Half of us are gonna check here in the neighborhood and the other half will check the city! If one of us finds him, then she needs to text the others where they are, got it?!" The others agreed to the plan before splitting up into teams and going to their separate locations in the hopes of finding you.

Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie searched the neighborhood by asking people walking around if they've seen you or by knocking on peoples doors and asking them. Meanwhile, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy searched the city by checking places like the theatre, mall, and the arcade. Your mom and dad were also helping by driving around in their car and searched both the neighborhood and the city.


A Few Hours Later

The sun was beginning to set as the girls had met back in front of the school along with your parents.

"Have you guys had any luck in finding him?" Sunset asked hopefully. This only resulted in disappointed looks from everyone.

"We looked everywhere Sunset, but we couldn't find him." Applejack said while your mom broke down in tears. Your dad did his best to comfort her but it was all for naught as she kept crying.

"I can't bear the thought of Nonny being all alone. The fact that I can't be there for him to make him smile just......kills me." Pinkie says sadly before her usually poofy hair deflated like a balloon while Fluttershy gently rubbed her back.

A love that can heal your pain (Sunset Shimmer x Anonymous Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now