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WE WAIT. We stare at the pit.

Who knows for how long? Time is tricky down here, sticky as oil and slathered all over you.

Nothing happens.

"Did I do something wrong?" Dahlia whispers. "Was it my fault? Was it all the God-mentioning?"

"You did everything exactly as you were supposed to. You're the perfect little necromancer. I am the one at fault."

"What are you talking about? You know... Everything there is to know about, like, paganism and weird rituals and the Underworld. How is it your fault?"

"It was supposed to be sheep's blood. Not jam."

Dahlia's eyes widen. "What?"

"I didn't think you could handle... killing something. I didn't want to force you—"

"Antigone!" she snaps. "I'm dead! Look at me! I'm transparent! I'm gray! I don't have—I don't have a coin in my mouth, so I'm going to be stuck here, doing nothing, for the rest of... forever! If this doesn't work, I'm..." Her eyes well over with tears. She seems unable to speak from the lump in her throat. Tears spill down her cheeks. "I'm so totally screwed. I'm going to... stay dead forever. My life just... ended, just like that. My life was taken from me so fast I didn't even... I didn't even realize I was dying. My life is literally hanging in the balance. We can't take any risks. If it means I don't have to stay like this forever, I'm going to massacre the world's entire population of sheep."

I nod. "Dig another hole,"I instruct. "I'll get more of everything plus a sheep and a knife."

Her hands shake as she digs them into the earth.

A Shrine to an Unknown GodWhere stories live. Discover now