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Christmas at the Avengers Compound is a big deal. Steve, Natasha, Bucky, Sam, Wanda and Vision - the ones that actually live there - decorate the whole building. They get a huge tree, cover the building in lights, cut snowflakes out of paper and do a ton of other Christmasy stuff to prepare. Then the Avengers all gather to exchange gifts and hang out. Even the Guardians come down to the Headquarters for Christmas. Not that Groot, Rocket, Drax, Mantis, Nebula and Gamora even really understand the point of it all, they just come because Starlord desperately wants to and they're invited.

This year, the team agreed to do secret santa. Last year they tried to each get a gift for everyone, but it wasn't in their budget to get expensive presents for so many people. Secret santa was the logical decision.

"Wake up! It's Christmas!" A voice startled Steve awake.

The soldier sat up in his bed. Natasha, who had slept in his room, was already up. The two glanced at each other, Steve shrugged. They hurried out their room and down the stairs.

Tony stood at the bottom of the staircase. He held a microphone and was shouting into it.

"Merry Christmas!"

Natasha took the microphone from Tony and turned it off. "Tone it down, let us sleep." She growled.

"But it's Christmas! How can you sleep?" Tony replied giddily.

"You're acting like a child, more so than Peter and Morgan."

Peter walked out of the living room. "Someone mentioned me?"

"What did I expect?" Steve sighed.

"I'm pretty sure everyone is awake now, so I'm going to go get them and we can begin." Natasha rolled her eyes and went to get the rest of the team.

Steve followed Tony into the living room. What he saw left his mouth agape. Under the tree were gifts. Not just one that Tony got for secret Santa. No, there were about a hundred.

"What the hell, Tony?" Steve asked in awe.

Tony shrugged. "I thought I could show just how much more money I have than you all, so I got each member of the team a few gifts."

Steve took a deep breath and rubbed his temples. "Sometimes I just can't with you."

Soon enough, Natasha walked into the room. She noticed the mountain of gifts, stopped in her tracks, raised her eyebrows and glared at Tony. "Really?"

"I don't understand why you would be angry." Peter chimed in. "Mr. Stark got us all gifts, I don't see anything bad about this situation."

"That's my kid." Tony put an arm around the boy's shoulders and ruffled his hair.

"Anyway," Natasha continued. "As expected, everyone's awake. They're coming down soon."

Just as she said that, Peter Quill and Gamora walked into the room. The Guardians had slept in the guest rooms, which the warehouse actually had a lot of. Quill was happy, energetic, smiling. Gamora, on the other hand, barely kept her eyes open and was glaring at the excited Peter with a death stare. He just laughed it off and kissed her temple.

As others began gathering, Tony had to explain the pile of gifts over and over. But everyone was happy, that just meant more stuff for them. 

Once everybody had come down, Peter P. climbed on a table and shouted. "Hey, it's gift time!"

"Do we give our gifts all at the same time or one by one?" Sam checked.

"Uh..." Peter got confused. "Maybe one by one and then we open them all at the same time?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Okay, who wants to go first?"

Steve stood up. "I'll go." He went across the room, maneuvering around the Avengers who were splattered on the floor, and handed the wrapped box that he had to Hope. "Merry Christmas, Hope."

"Thanks, Cap." She hugged him. "Okay, my turn."

Soon, all presents had been given. Then the family time began. Bruce lit the fireplace, Vision made hot chocolate, Peter Parker put on some Christmas music. The team settled in, sipped on the warm drink, talked, sang along to festive songs and watched, as it started snowing heavily, covering everything in sight with a layer of white.

"You know," Natasha remarked. "this is precisely what the Danes call hygge."

"Oh, would you stop it with the languages?" Tony nudged her, but carefully, as to not wake up Morgan, who had fallen asleep in his arms.


Okay, this part was absolute trash. I had no inspiration, I just desperately wanted to release a Christmas chapter, so don't judge me too much :)

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