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  ♫example♫ - means they're singing.  That's all. 


  "Do you think they actually paid for those?" Audrey asked with her button nose scrunched up. Sage followed her gaze towards the group of girls with their hairs done nicely. Jay was flirting with them, leaning up against the railing. 

   "Probably, I saw Lonnie paying Mal," Sage shrugged, glancing at her hair. "I thought about it, but I think I'm good."

   "She did it to Jane's hair, too, and Fairy Godemother's not happy about it." Audrey gossiped. 

   "What's the harm?" Ben asked in confusion. 

   "It's gateway magic!" Audrey exclaimed. "Sure, it starts with the hair. Next thing you know, it's the lips and the legs, and the clothes and then everybody looks good and then. . .Where will I be?"

   "You know," Sage started dryly. "There are a lot more important things in the world besides beauty."

   "Not to me!" Audrey humped. 

   "Listen, Audrey--" Ben stopped as Audrey interupted. 

   "I will see you at the game after my dress-fitting for the coronation, okay?" Audrey smiled at Ben. 


   "Bye, Bennyboo." She gave him an air kiss, turning her gaze to Sage. "Sage."

   "Audrey," Sage rose an eyebrow, watching the daughter of Sleeping Beauty walk away. "Why did you end up dating her?"

   "Because. . ." Ben trailed off slowly. 

   "Exactly." Sage sighed, turning towards been with a pointed look. "Break it off before she breaks you, okay?"

   "Whenever I feel ready, I will," Ben promised. 

   "Good," She nodded. "Now, I'm going to get ready for the game. I'll meet you at the gardens, same thing as last time."w

   "You do always know how to make me feel better about the games," Ben chuckled, shaking his head. 

   "Of course I do! I'm you're BGF, no one can top me." Sage laughed, Ben joining her as they held up their pinkies and crossed them together. "See ya around, loser."

   "See ya around, nerd."

With one last squeeze, they let go of each others' pinkies and Sage started to walk away with a skip in her step. 


Sage never felt nervous for a performance. She loved to perform, just like it was said earlier. But, while her pep-talk with Ben was to make sure he was hyped for the game and clear minded, that wasn't the same for Sage. 

Especially when she could tell that the blue eyes of a pretty girl was watching her. Much to her disappointment though, it wasn't the same way that Sage stared at Evie when the bluenette wasn't looking.

   "And now, for our half-time entertainment, The Auradon Knight's Cheer Squad!"  The announcer did his job, speak clearly into the mic before their routine song played through the air.

The cheer squad easily went through their dance, keeping in time with the music and each other. There pom poms were thrown to the side whilst the three flyers got ready for their prep up. 

Past EchoesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora