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Sage paced besides the older prince as they waited for the limo that would deliver the villain's kids. Fairy Godmother was waiting patiently behind them as Ben watched Sage in amusement and Audrey in annoyance.  

   "Keeping pacing like that and you'll dig yourself into the ground," Ben joked, making Sage pause. 

   "If only," Audrey muttered, but the other two easily ignored her. 

   "I just can't wait!" Sage cheered, jumping slightly. Her hands clapped together excitedly behind staying together. Her blue bag bounced on her hip as a reminder that it was there. "We've been waiting for so long for this moment, and it's finally happening!" 

   "You're going to end up scaring them with your excitement," Ben laughed. That only seem to vex  Audrey more.

Ever since Audrey and Ben started to date she seem to have a burning hatred for Sage. It confused her to no end, and as much as she wanted to be friends with everyone, she knew that not everyone will actually like her. Especially when her secret came out. Or, when she came out. 

Ben and Audrey made a cute look-at couple but (although Sage would never say it out loud) Audrey was only dating Ben for status and looks. Nothing more, nothing less. 

   "Okay, okay," Sage started to ramble. "You know what? I'm just gonna stand on your right side and eat. Yeah, that sounds good." 

   "You do that, Sage," Ben chuckled, rolling his eyes as Sage pulled an apple out of her blue bag and started to munch on it. 

   "An apple? Really?" Audrey rose an eyebrow. 

   "What? They're good!" Sage defended herself, taking a big bite of the red apple to prove her point. Audrey scoffed. 

The black haired beaut looked around the entrance of the school they were standing in. There was students littering the yard as they waited for the new arrivals, chatting with each other. Some people held welcome signs and posters with their school emblem on them. 

The marching band was in front of the small group, tuning their instruments and going over last minute things. Sage would be in the marching band, playing a flute, but Chad forbid her from doing that. 

   "I don't want to marry someone who was in a marching band. That's just geeky."

So, she joined the cheer team. 

Sage had fun as a cheerleader - she was a flyer and proud of it! But, she loved to play her flute and piccolo. Sadly, it was only a pass time to mess around with in the quiet of her own bedroom or an unused classroom. 

   "They're coming!" Someone called out, and the band instantly started their peppy tune. People started to wave and cheer, flashing signs and twirling little flags on the stick. The limo that was bring the new students came around the corner, and stopped just in from of the marching band. 

Sage didn't really see what happened, but the band suddenly stopped their music. Voices rose from in front of them, beyond the band, and Fairy Godmother easily pushed her way through. Sage, Ben, and Audrey followed behind shortly. 

   "You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?"

   "'Cause you want it!"


   "Guys, guys, guys!" One of the villain kids snapped.  "We have an audience."

It was the first time that Sage actually gotten a good look at the new kids. They were dressed in mitch-match articles of clothing, looking worn and torn. Sage easily looked over everyone of them before stopping at a certain girl. Her eyes widen in shock and her mouth slightly dropped. 

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