Chapter 5

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Stepping down from the carrier, Rey straightened her shoulders. The long silky crimson gown draped from her figure. He stood beside her. He was strong, where she was weak. He was beautiful, in a darkened way. Raven black hair, strong jaw, and handsome eyes, he was perfection. Tall, muscular and brave, he was the Alpha. 

 And they all knew it. 

A smirk settled on Rey's features and she and her feared mate walked to the front of Maz's 'castle'. The small woman met the couple at the front of her home. 

"Rey." Bowing Maz connected her probing eyes to Rey's own orbs. "Good to see you again." 

Nodding at her, Rey turned toward Kylo. 

"Maz, thank you for seeing us with such a short notice."  Kylo motioned between the two of them. "May we speak further with you inside?" 

The small woman nodded. Opening the double doors of her new castle, she ushered the two inside. Rey stepped in first, Kylo remaining to give Hux the signal. The knights circled the place, and two of his most trusted guards stepped in flanking the great leader. 

"Now, you say that you are experiencing trouble?" Maz had really cleaned the place up, turning her old smugglers business into an operation, along with a medical bay. The elder sat at a desk with Kylo and Rey across from her. 

"We have not actually began to try, however, we ran some tests." The Alpha's nose twitched. "I am wary to begin however, because I do not wish to spoil anything." 

Rey's scent spiked slightly, and Kylo noticed her reflex. 

"Ahhh. I see." The Beta crossed her arms. Leaning back, she closed her eyes. "I sense that you have a connection. Yes?" 

"We do." Rey spoke softly.

"You can feel each other's pain?" 

"Yes." Kylo spoke quickly and clipped. "Can you help or not?" 

"Patience, Patience." Maz shushed him. "You are anxious. I can sense it in both of you." 

"Please, can you help us?" Rey nodded to the medical droids and medical looking things in the side room. "I need to be able to give him children." Tears began to well in her eyes. "I must produce an heir." 

"Hush child." Maz took the girl's hands. "I will help you." 

Kylo slumped in his chair in relief. "Thank you." Standing the three moved toward the examination table. 

"I will have you stay here." Maz stopped Kylo. "Rey, please go and put on the medical gown. I will be with you in a moment." 

Looking to Kylo, she paused. He smiled and nodded his head as permission. She exhaled and pushed open the door. 

The two watched her disappearing frame. 

"I can tell you love her." 

"I do. With all that I am." Kylo looked down at the small orange woman. "I am concerned for her. She was starved as a child. Barely fed. That alone is enough to stunt a woman's fertility, but she was also worked to the bone. I worry Maz. She is my Omega, she is my other half. I want to experience a child with her." 

"And I want that for you too." Maz smiled a bit. "Unfortunately starvation is more common then you presume. I can look. I make no promises, but hopefully I can right the wrong." 

"Thank  you. You will help the galaxy and the betterment of the New Order."  

"I do it for you. Not the galaxy, and not the New Order." She snapped. "Only for you and your mate." 

"Well..." He paused. "Thank you." 

She gave him a wink, and stepped into the room. Closing the door on Kylo and leaving him to wait. 

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