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[double update because I love you]


"This is fucking gibberish." A low life loser sits at a table near the computers in the library, attempting to read an assignment written in the language that is Spanish.

"It would make more sense if you actually payed attention to Mrs. Abernathy." The clicking of my fingers over the computer keys could be heard clearly throughout the small public place as I resume an essay for three thousand words, the one that's due tomorrow and I decided to do today even if I had three months to do it. Only because it's so much fun to do assignments right before they're due.

"Mrs. A could at least slow down when she's writing all that crap on the board. She doesn't even teach! She just writes stuff down and expects us to understand it!" He huffs and places his head in his hands, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. It's hilarious how over dramatic he is.

"It would also help if you took your headphones out of your ears." I remind him of all the times he's sneaked his headphones during class, even hidden them in his jumper and gotten caught. It's happened plenty of times and I can't even tell you what happened when his ipod got confiscated. Let's just say his mother is a very strict woman.

"Uh no, you can't say anything about me and my headphones. School interferes too much with my listening to Jonah's glorious solos." Jonah Rex, 1/5 of the very famous band Goldmine. Life changers and shit. They've practically brainwashed the entire school. Just lettin' ya know.

"What is with everyone and that dammed band?"

"Shut up. Goldmine is the shit. If I was a chick, Keegan would be my first choice."

"Keegan? The redhead?"

"Yes the redhead. You have so much to learn, young one."

"Really? Because spending time with you I know their birthdays, birth places, bloodtypes and scarily enough, 4/5 of their sizes. Only because one of them is a girl. I'm not talking about clothes here. "

"You're welcome," he smirks. It's been four months since the band came out to the spotlight, but I've been hearing about them (thanks to Harold) for four freaking years. I don't know what this world has come to. "And- it's not just a stupid band. They've made miracles with their music. They're heroes, inspirations. Give them a listen, look into their background. Trust me, you'll become obsessed with them." He flashes a smile at me when I look back from the computer and I roll my eyes.

"You're such a fangirl."

He raises his arms in defense and shrugs. "Hey, you might even go for the girl. You can't tell me you wouldn't snog Nancy. Don't choose her though, you'll wake up in a pool of blood. She's my wife. I'm gonna marry her one day. You can be my flower girl. You can't ruin our plans, flower girl. I've even named our children." He flicks his tongue across his lips and sighs. I involuntary groan because no, I didn't need to know that.

Saved by the bell is such a cliché thing, but it actually happens at moments. This is one of those moments. Thank Jesus for bells. "There's the bell, I should get to class."

"Listen to them! Once you enter the fandom, we'll welcome you with open arms! Just because we're fucking amazing!" He rushes to pick up his things, hurriedly heading towards the exit for his last two classes. On his way there, just before he opens the door, a girl with red hair pushes the low life loser and he stumbles back. He looks confused for a moment and I stand up.

"Move over, fag." At this point, I'm ready to attack whoever it is, but then I remember that I am in a public library and I can't kill people in public areas.

Fool's Gold ¥ Niall Horan ¥Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat