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"I'm never what I like, I'm double-sided.
And I just can't hide, I kinda like it
When I make you cry, Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside." - Twenty One Pilots


This may be the worst idea I've ever come up with in my entire life. Ever.

It's not that it's a bad idea, because it really isn't. It's actually a very good idea, though it could've been plotted by Satan himself. Then again, it was plotted by me. There isn't much of a difference.

Everyone knows of Maeve's precious desire of forming part of the cheerleading team. I just have to take that from her. It's an easy way to leave her flaming in envy.

Yeah, I know. Didn't you already try that, oh great Andrea Adams? I did try it and I am aware that I failed, but this is foolproof. I hate myself for saying this, but what if I could use the coach's precious son to get into the team? Kind of like Maeve did? But Niall actually likes me, so I know it'll work. What if I can get to somehow manipulate little Nialler into getting me the spot? I can just break up with him before anyone gets hurt. I mean, except for Maeve.

It's a great plan. It'll work.

No it isn't, and you know it. You'll be just as bad as she is. How can you stoop so low?

My subconscious has been bugging me since this morning. I thought I managed to push it's annoyingly wise words aside, though I didn't do a very good job. The stupid little voice keeps sneaking it's way back.

I was at Harry's place this morning. It was my turn to pick him up and Anne let me inside. I happened to find his phone on the kitchen counter and I managed to sneak a peak at Niall's phone number. I asked if he could meet me at the school gym after school through a text message. I didn't tell him it was me. He thinks I'm Harry and that I want to discuss some stupid school project. He replied with a smiley face shortly after and I made sure to delete our conversation when I heard Harry's footsteps going down the stairs.

Throughout the entire day I kept glancing down at his phone, afraid that Niall might text him again to ask for details. I'd been paranoid all day and when Harry asked if something was up, I blamed it on my punishment and Maeve.

He believed me.

It's sad how completely heartless I can be. I don't like being the way that I am and I know there's something really fucked up about my mind, but I can't help it. It's a little scary. I'm terrified of the outcome, but when I think about how crushed my enemy will be, I push it away.

To me, it's some way of making things right. I'm fully aware of how messed up it is, but I can't bring myself to care. But really, it's kind of hard to care about the world when your only focus is the happiness of the person who makes you happy. Maeve deserves so much more... she deserves so much pain and hurt... it's so damn diffucult for me to explain how much I despise her.

When the bell finally rang, I practically ran out my classroom. I told Harry I was going to talk to the headmaster about my punishment and that he could walk home without me. He gave me a weird look but shrugged it off either way. He didn't like that he had to walk alone and pouted to emphasize his disappointment. I flipped him off though, and he managed to give me a satisfied smile.

When I finally entered the gym, I started to play with the tips of my fingers. My hands began to shake and sweat, my heart pounding so hard against my chest, I could hear the beat in my head. When I heard the door open and close, I turned around and there stood Niall Horan with a confused look on his friendly features. He still smiled brightly, because he's Niall Horan, and smiling that goofy smile of his is just his thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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